200+lbs to lose. Going to need support!

I've been horrendously overweight since childhood. I've tried to lose several times but my heart has never been in it and I usually end up worse than when I started!

Last week I left an abusive marriage and am starting a new life, free of him and also free of all the crap that came before him. For the first time in my life I feel that I want to do this FOR ME, not for anyone else and not because I "should". It's going to be a long hard road.

Is anyone else out there in such an extreme situation?


  • WordWhisperer
    WordWhisperer Posts: 33 Member
    My situation isn't as intense as yours, but what I can easily relate to is finally reaching the point where you're doing this for you. I felt it click this time - I knew it right away, could feel that this was different - and it's made all the difference.

    I know it might sound crazy, but if you have that mindset this time, in some ways you have an advantage over someone with only 30 pounds to lose who hasn't had found this place inside of them yet. This battle, it's more mental than it is physical, and don't let anyone tell you any differently.

    You got this.
  • gin_rummy
    gin_rummy Posts: 222 Member
    Thanks I appreciate it! Certainly that will get me started.....but I'm also sure that it will wear off down the road when it feels too difficult!
  • DatGuy_Bry
    DatGuy_Bry Posts: 9 Member
    Don't stress yourself about losing 200lbs. Your goal should be to lose ONE Pound. Just lose one pound, 200 times!

    Stay motivated! You can do it!
  • gin_rummy
    gin_rummy Posts: 222 Member
    That's a very cool way of looking at it. I only started using this app tonight and I was a bit surprised that you can only enter a target weight that is in your "healthy bmi" range. I'd prefer prefer to have some milestone markets along the way. Like about 50 lbs to be where I was when I got married. 100 ish for where I was at 18. Guess I can do that myself but prefer to keep it in one place.

    How's your journey going?
  • RebekahRN83
    RebekahRN83 Posts: 115 Member
    Really? I thought it would let you choose any weight you'd like. I picked a goal that's 20 pounds above a "healthy" BMI for me and MFP accepted it. Hmm. Weird.

    Sounds like you're making a lot of changes! I wonder if this will make it easier to form new/healthy habits since you won't be stuck in your old routine. :smile: (one positive way to look at it)

    I started this journey 92 days ago (3 months) and had 120 pounds to loose (and that won't even get me into a "healthy" BMI, which I'm fine with. I remember being this goal weight in High School and it's perfect for me). I am down 35 pounds so far....only 81 left to go!! :smiley: Some days I choose to focus on what I CAN control, like drinking __oz of water, or going for a walk in the evening. It seems like so much can affect that scale and make us discouraged, like TOM, fluid retention from salt, muscles retaining water after working out, etc. Just know that as long as you are eating in a deficit, the overall trend on the scale will be downwards, so don't get discouraged over a minor blip up now and then. Also, you won't be perfect at this....no one is. Forgive yourself after you've screwed up and keep going (I know, easier said than done, right).
  • gin_rummy
    gin_rummy Posts: 222 Member
    Thanks - and really well done you that's a fantastic loss in that time!

    Yeah I tried for the weight I was when I was 18 which is still about 100 lb more than bmi says bur it kept saying invalid target! I'd love to be able to get as far as that, yes still unhealthy by every definition but I was walking a couple of miles a day and generally happy with my fitness. Wasn't going to run a marathon but could keep do any day to day stuff and go hiking and such.

    You're right about the changes in my life. I'm finally learning to really love me. And that's probably for the first time in my life.
  • RebekahRN83
    RebekahRN83 Posts: 115 Member
    gin_rummy wrote: »
    You're right about the changes in my life. I'm finally learning to really love me. And that's probably for the first time in my life.

    Glad to hear that something positive has already come out of all you're having to deal with :smile:

    I say go for whatever goal you're comfortable with. You can always adjust in the future if you want, and who cares what other people think of your goal. If it's something you feel is doable then you'll be more likely to stick with it, so more power to ya.

    I just realized my math was off....116 to loose (not 120) minus 35 pounds lost equals 81 left to loose. (That was going to bug me until I pointed that out. I'll blame it on the long day).

    So @gin_rummy what is your plan of attack with this weightloss thing? (Stick to your allotted calories, low carb, lifting weights, etc.)
  • LushFix
    LushFix Posts: 303 Member
    gin_rummy wrote: »
    That's a very cool way of looking at it. I only started using this app tonight and I was a bit surprised that you can only enter a target weight that is in your "healthy bmi" range. I'd prefer prefer to have some milestone markets along the way. Like about 50 lbs to be where I was when I got married. 100 ish for where I was at 18. Guess I can do that myself but prefer to keep it in one place.

    How's your journey going?

    It must be a glitch. I have my goal weight to 171.8 lbs. I'm 25 5'5--- CW260. started at 271.8
  • sewicanquilt
    sewicanquilt Posts: 16 Member
    gin_rummy wrote: »
    That's a very cool way of looking at it. I only started using this app tonight and I was a bit surprised that you can only enter a target weight that is in your "healthy bmi" range. I'd prefer prefer to have some milestone markets along the way. Like about 50 lbs to be where I was when I got married. 100 ish for where I was at 18. Guess I can do that myself but prefer to keep it in one place.

    How's your journey going?

  • sewicanquilt
    sewicanquilt Posts: 16 Member
    I need to lose almost 200 lbs as well and would love someone else to take that journey with. I have fibromyalgia and arthritis so moving is difficult but I have started working out with light weights sitting in a chair on the days I just can't stand the pain of walking. It's not much, but on my book, any movement is better than none. I've been doing this 20 days now and am having some success. I just keep telling myself every day brings another opportunity to start over.
  • bdgfn
    bdgfn Posts: 7,719 Member
    Hi. You should be able to set your goal weight to whatever you want. You really do not want to set your goal weight as what you want at the end. You want to do it in smaller, more manageable chunks. Mini-goals that you can reach in a reasonable time, which in turn will keep you motivated.

    I would be happy to help you, and anyone else, stay motivated. I am on this journey myself. I am not perfect, but I know how to shake off the occasional slip-up and get back on the wagon. If you would like to add me, all I ask is a brief message with your request.

    Good luck, and remember, stay focused, stay strong!
  • gin_rummy
    gin_rummy Posts: 222 Member
    Well I tried again and it is now accepting an "unhealthy" goal weight so I'm happier :-)

    Thanks everyone for your support, it's daunting to do and especially with no one around me right now. But I really feel like I can do this. I am in control. For once!
  • gin_rummy
    gin_rummy Posts: 222 Member
    For some reason I can't send private messages or friend requests but would love to receive them! @sewicanquilt
  • karenlwashburn
    karenlwashburn Posts: 123 Member
    Concentrate on one day at a time. Don't think about pounds just eat healthy in smaller amounts and exercise. Take it one day at a time and you'll be there before you know it.. I drink a lot of ice water and snack on plain pop corn freshly popped at home when I get the munchies before it's time to "eat". You can do it and you will adjust to the change.
  • 592jmac
    592jmac Posts: 8 Member
    I have less to lose but I understand reaching the point of lossing weight for you. Before it was more like I felt I should than becaus I wanted to.
  • sewicanquilt
    sewicanquilt Posts: 16 Member
    gin_rummy wrote: »
    For some reason I can't send private messages or friend requests but would love to receive them! @sewicanquilt

    I'm having trouble getting a PM to go through as well, but I reported the issue so hopefully we can connect. In the meantime, we can keep posting here.
  • sewicanquilt
    sewicanquilt Posts: 16 Member
    Today is my cheat day. I allow myself 1 day every two weeks where I can eat what I deem "totally inappropriate, marginally nutritional" food. I allow myself to go over my allotted calories by 200 calories. So for lunch today, I had a Whataburger hamburger, fries, and a Dr. Pepper. After 2 sips of the soda, I decided it was too sweet and switched to water (saving me a ton of calories). As a lifetime member of the "clean plate club", I am trying to reprogram myself to stop eating when I'm full and not when the food is gone. So, as I am eating, I notice that I am getting full. I stopped eating before I ate all of my fries (I ate about 1/2 the box). This is HUGE for me. I never leave fries. So not only did my body not like the soda, but I listened when it said that's enough food and I am satisfied. This is a cheat day first and I am so proud of myself! Hope everyone else can remember to celebrate the small steps that lead to a new life.
  • workinghardatlosing
    Each and everyone of you can do it! You can lose the weight! I know because I've done. Though sadly, I let the stress of starting my own business allow me to lose my good habits and start all over again. But, I know that I can do it a second time since I did it the first time! Just take it one day at a time. And, also it never hurts to allow yourself to cheat for one meal or one special snack. Just don't allow that one cheat day to become a trend. If you slip up and have a bad day, track it anyway and do better the next day! It's totally possible if you just take it one day, and one meal at a time! Free feel to friend me if you feel the urge! :-)
  • suzan159
    suzan159 Posts: 7 Member
    I agree with the person who said not to get stressed about the 200+ pounds. It takes longer, yes, but it is not *harder*, therefore if you practice patience and perseverance, you will get there. I have yo-yo'd in my life. Every time I reached a point of desperation, I would "go on a diet". But not sure my desperation was a smart starting point for a sustainable strategy. Of course, I was in a hurry and white knuckling it. The cliche about a lifestyle change is true. If it IS a real lifestyle change, you find what will work long term, and accept it takes time. And you simply begin your new lifestyle, which is a marathon and not a sprint. It takes however long it takes. You don't have to be supernaturally stronger than a person trying to lose 20 pounds. You just need to accept it will take longer. But every step of the way, you will be achieving milestones. It isn't like there is no payoff till the very end! So you reap incremental benefits all along the way which will boost your confidence and spirits. Find something you can live with happily so that you will actually enjoy the "journey". If you never give up on your long term goal, you will be moving in the right direction towards fitness and better health, and that is the important thing, not "perfection".

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited March 2016
    I'm proud of you for making these choices! I've had 150 to lose, so I can relate to the overwhelming feeling of such a long journey. As others have said, don't think about that. My trainer refused to even discuss it with me, focusing instead on smaller goals. "Small daily accomplishments lead to staggering long term results." This is the key.

    1. Write down how you feel today physically and mentally, both good & bad. Write about why you are doing this. Take pictures and measurements. Keep track of all progress along the way. I keep a journal/scrapbook with notes about my workouts, my food, progress pics, fitness accomplishments, measurements, weight loss, favorite quotes, etc. Sometimes I enter something daily, other times once a week. Use this as a way to look back, remember where you have come, and keep moving ahead.

    2. Every time you feel discouraged or "unmotivated", remind yourself of where you started. Remind yourself that if you're not forward, you're moving back to where you started. You don't want to come back here. It gets me moving every time.

    3. Finally, the key is to establish a plan, set good habits, then follow your plan. Don't wait to feel motivated to move or eat right. Just follow your plan. Many days I don't "feel motivated" but I go to class, fix my planned meals, etc. I'm ALWAYS glad I did. 100% of the time. I do not want to ever go back to where I started.

    Here is my success story as of Dec 2015:

    SW 301
    CW 168
    GW 150
    21 months