Strength training



  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
  • AlphaCajun
    AlphaCajun Posts: 290 Member
    "The gold standard for people with inflated egos and bulging discs is to start lifting heavy with free weights"

    I know, text is a horrible way to communicate but context clues derived from the sentences following this statement are a pretty clear indicator that I'm not against heavy lifting but against people suggesting you have to START heavy..

    Maybe some here should lay off the tanning beds, it's frying neurons.
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    AlphaCajun wrote: »
    "The gold standard for people with inflated egos and bulging discs is to start lifting heavy with free weights"

    I know, text is a horrible way to communicate but context clues derived from the sentences following this statement are a pretty clear indicator that I'm not against heavy lifting but against people suggesting you have to START heavy..

    Maybe some here should lay off the tanning beds, it's frying neurons.

    hhmmm. I dont tan but your post at face value was off-putting and "heavy" is relative to the person picking up the heavy things.
    Could have just said dont be dumb and follow a structured program- start slow since you are a beginner so you dont injure yourself; as opposed to saying those who start lifting lift heavy because of their egos.
    Lost in translation I suppose- life goes on. You did give very solid advice tho!
  • MedeaKay
    MedeaKay Posts: 17 Member
    AlphaCajun wrote: »
    "The gold standard for people with inflated egos and bulging discs is to start lifting heavy with free weights"

    I know, text is a horrible way to communicate but context clues derived from the sentences following this statement are a pretty clear indicator that I'm not against heavy lifting but against people suggesting you have to START heavy..

    Maybe some here should lay off the tanning beds, it's frying neurons.

    AlphaCajun, I want to hug you right now! Thanks for the advice (I had the same question as the OP) and for your awesome comments. There are so many people posting to these boards, who do not acknowledge any validity to strength training unless it is heavy and with free weights. That, combined with the strong negativity and trollism that occurs here (and any other discussion board ever) has kept me from posting any questions about lifting. You made me very glad that I decided to at least read this one!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    edited March 2016
    AlphaCajun wrote: »
    "The gold standard for people with inflated egos and bulging discs is to start lifting heavy with free weights"

    I know, text is a horrible way to communicate but context clues derived from the sentences following this statement are a pretty clear indicator that I'm not against heavy lifting but against people suggesting you have to START heavy..

    Maybe some here should lay off the tanning beds, it's frying neurons.

    Yea, one person understood you and they had to read it 3 or 4 times to do so. Everyone else didn't understand what you meant but they are the "wrong" ones. Lol.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited March 2016
    AlphaCajun wrote: »
    "The gold standard for people with inflated egos and bulging discs is to start lifting heavy with free weights"

    I know, text is a horrible way to communicate but context clues derived from the sentences following this statement are a pretty clear indicator that I'm not against heavy lifting but against people suggesting you have to START heavy..

    Maybe some here should lay off the tanning beds, it's frying neurons.

    Or you could read what you wrote and forget the comedy act until you understand nuance.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I know the accepted gold standard for strength training here is to lift heavy with free weights, but I'm not really comfortable doing that alone and don't have anyone to train with at present.

    So, as a second best option, what would you recommend -
    (A) doing Les Mills pump classes (free weights, high reps, low weight), which I've been doing for a couple of months now or
    (B) hitting the weight machines at the gym, with higher weights/lower reps.

    I lift medium with free weights alone. I took a few sessions with a personal trainer to get my form checked and otherwise feel comfortable with this.