I won't quit this time

Hi my name is Dan, I'm 29 and a single dad of a beautiful 6 year old girl. I was very active in college but I have gained constant weight since my daughter was born. I now weigh 328lbs and can't stand myself. I want to be around for my child and I want to play with her without getting winded lol, it bad when she can outrun me lol. A little while back I was on here and I did well, I lost 38lbs but I switched jobs and I lost focus and gained it all back plus more. I'm just looking for some friends and support to keep me straight and narrow this time.


  • MelanieDawn_80
    MelanieDawn_80 Posts: 25 Member
    Me either! Lost 150 lbs got cocky and started listening to everyone around me saying I was too skinny.… And ended up gaining back 75 pounds. Rebooted this past December and proud to say I'm down 20 pounds long ways to go but I will get there!
  • wilson3166
    wilson3166 Posts: 4 Member
    Very impressive, if there is one thing I have learned it's to not listen to others and their negativity. I work with the biggest *kitten* imaginable and the purposefully eat horribly delicious food in front of me know i can't have it. But it has made me stronger and I know I'm doing this for me not for them. Stay strong