Support/tips/general kick up the...!

Hi all

I've been on MFP for going on 6 years now, since I was about 18. HW 154, LW 132, CW 141, GW 135.

My lowest weight wasn't a great time in my life so not desperate to get back to that. 135 would be ideal but I am finding it so hard to shift the last 6 pounds or so! I am relatively active - am a teacher so on my feet a lot of the day. In addition to this I play netball and go to the gym a couple of times a week.

I get really disheartened when despite eating well all weekend, I weigh myself on a Monday and I've put on a pound. I think stress can make you hold onto weight though so I'm my own worst enemy!

Basically, I'm just looking for some friends on here to keep me in check/so I can check in on your journey too. I don't have a lot to lose but any tips are more than welcome - I'm a classic case of eating well allllll day then getting home and having a little of this, a little of that... know I need to work on it.

Also unsure whether I should try 5:2, 4:3 or snacking throughout the day etc - any ideas on this? I am 5'5" by the way.

Anyway if you're looking to lose about the same, send me a request :smile:


  • emmaprocopiou
    emmaprocopiou Posts: 246 Member
    You are so close to your goal, it will be hard to lose. It maybe that you are losing but seeing only the weekly weigh in makes it feel like no progress has happened.

    Maybe try a weight trend app like happy scale, libra or trend weight will give you a better idea of fluctuations.

    Tighten up your logging, and if you are an evening snacker ( I am too) pre log and let yourself have these make them part of your diet if they fit.

    What are you set to lose per week? Often for me the scale doesn't move then I get a little drop but it evens out over time.
    Don't make your deficit too aggressive maybe even give yourself some time at maintence as you are so close to that too.

    Measure the inches as well as the scale
    How do your clothes fit etc

    Good luck and all the best
  • emmaprocopiou
    emmaprocopiou Posts: 246 Member
    Oh and re IF 5:2 or 16:8 it's only a tool to help you remain at deficit
    I like bigger evening meals and not eating early so 16:8 falls better for me but it isn't what has shifted the pounds
    Try and see if you like it but it's not requisite.