Pact App

Hi guys, is anyone using this application? I like the idea of it but it seems to keep crashing and I don't really want to put my money on an unreliable application.



  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I use the food and gym log. I've used it on iOS and Android devices. The Android app needs help.

    That said, I have it linked with my Fitbit (10k steps in a day counts for the gym pact) and myfitnesspal (3 meals and at least 1200 calories logged...not a problem for me) linked for the food pact.
    With my fitbit linked I don't have to worry about the android app working right. (checks me out of gym before I've left, crashes, motion sensor will suddenly stop recognizing movement during runs....I didn't have these problems on iOS)