Mood dictated by scale?



  • bruhaha007
    bruhaha007 Posts: 333 Member
    Take measurements instead, before and after pics, etc... We fluctuate a few lbs all the time and as we transform our bodies we sometimes gain muscle which makes it look like we aren't losing fat on the scale. Step away from the scale. :) Just kidding, but remember it is only one form of measuring your results.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    jprewitt1 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »

    IMO weighing on a daily basis helps to inure people to normal everyday weight fluctuations. Or, at least, to inure logical and non emotionally-driven people to normal everyday weight fluctuations.

    Ha. It's funny cause it's true. I'm one of those people who used to convince myself that if my weight didn't go down in a particular amount of days that it didn't matter and I should just eat whatever. It's taken a long time to get that mindset changed. I still have the occasional bad day, but it's gotten better. I weigh in everyday and track my progress using Libra so I can see that I still have a downward trend. That is a definite help to me mentally and emotionally.

    It does take work. It's not something that comes naturally to most of us. For me, emotionless weigh-ins are important for long term loss/maintenance efforts. I'm pretty successful when it comes to doing that with the scale. Self image/body issues, I struggle with a bit too much emotion but I am working on it. I find it more productive to be emotional about the training (lifting weights) side of my fitness program.
  • jeepinshawn
    jeepinshawn Posts: 642 Member
    I feel your pain @dorener I have done the same thing. Sucks, even in maintenance now I remind myself to look at my dairy and realize I most certainly stayed within my goals and I have a retention issue either in waste or water.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    Before I understood weight loss and my body, I would get discouraged if I didn't see a lower number on the scale every week. Back then, I would only weigh in on Sunday mornings and I remember one Sunday, my weight was the same as the prior Sunday and I just felt discouraged. I thought that was the end of my weight loss journey, but the next Sunday I lost three pounds. Now that I have more experience, I know that weight loss is not linear and my body holds water during ovulation. I also know what to expect from my body after a higher sodium day. I weigh myself every morning now and I can see the trends. The data has been a real eye-opener for me and has helped me obtain a more realistic outlook on my progress. Here is my weight loss for the past three months. The "gains" are from ovulation or days where I had more sodium than usual, but the trend is still downward:


    So don't give up hope or get upset. As long as you're logging accurately and being honest, you will succeed.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    My mental health suffers with daily weigh ins. I tried to desensitize myself for a while but it just drove me deeper into self hate.

    Right now I weigh weekly to keep in touch, it has less fluctuations to deal with and I will rely more on my measurements.
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    It is really disturbing how a machine can have such a dramatic effect, isnt it?! Thats why I dont own a scale, and use my shrinking clothes to gauge my progress. I only get weighed when I have to go to my doctors office. The last time I was there was early February, and I have another appointment coming up next week. I know I will have lost some poundage, as I am 2 sizes smaller than I was the last time.

    I am not suggesting that you dont weigh yourself regularly, but maybe daily isnt the best weigh (haha!) to go!