Is it too hard to lose weight



  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    It is true. That is why they say if it was easy everyone would do it
    Most of us can eat more than we need, that is why we all became overweight.
    I still would like to always eat more than I need.
    I constantly have to remind myself I can have more next time.
    Of course we love food. Nothing unique about. And there is simply too much available everywhere you turn.
    Eating the right amount goes against the grain of society.
    So we swim upstream.
    No no it is not easy.
  • amymariajames
    amymariajames Posts: 30 Member
    This is something I heard which is kind of cheesy but it struck a cord with me.

    Losing weight is hard......being overweight is hard.....choose which hard you want.

    Personally I don't like being overweight with how it limits me and the increased risks for my even though losing weight can be a struggle for me, I choose that hard over the being overweight hard :)

    If you are feeling hungry all the time check your calories. If you set your goal to lose more than 1lb a week it can really lower your calorie goal and leave you with not a lot to play with. So set a small calorie deficit. Eat sufficient protein and fat as both of these are filling and satisfying. Drink plenty of fluids to make sure you stay hydrated and as long as it fits in to your calorie goals allow yourself treats, whatever you really like whether that is some chocolate or some cake or some wine. That way the losing weight doesn't seem so hard.

    Also something I have found is I will sometimes think I am hungry but it's more of a craving. If I distract myself for 15 minutes I find it goes away. If it's genuine hunger then it gets worse and I get something to eat.

    Hope this helps :)

    Yes sure it will
    But drinking too much fluid most of the times makes my stomach full at the same time I feel like going to the toilet every half an hour.

  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    You don't have to over drink, just enough to stay hydrated. Try taking smaller more frequent drinks throughout the day.
  • wayneh73
    wayneh73 Posts: 39 Member
    If you are always feeling hungry you are eating the wrong foods. You can eats loads and loads if you pick the right things but this means a change in more ready meals, ditching the pre-packaged snacks and learning to cook from scratch with no more hidden sugars or fats.
    It soon becomes habit doesn't take long to do and the benefits are immense. Adding exercise to your day also allows for extra calories especially useful for earning your night out with friends ;)
  • amymariajames
    amymariajames Posts: 30 Member
    wayneh73 wrote: »
    If you are always feeling hungry you are eating the wrong foods. You can eats loads and loads if you pick the right things but this means a change in more ready meals, ditching the pre-packaged snacks and learning to cook from scratch with no more hidden sugars or fats.
    It soon becomes habit doesn't take long to do and the benefits are immense. Adding exercise to your day also allows for extra calories especially useful for earning your night out with friends ;)
    Okay then I will change my food habits
  • WendyLaubach
    WendyLaubach Posts: 518 Member
    "It's very important that you eat every 3-4 hours , and eat a lot of veg , and cereals or something healthy for breakfast . Is more about what you eat than how much , veg have hardly any fat or cals"

    My experience is the opposite. It doesn't matter to me whether I eat frequently; often I barely eat breakfast or dinner and then have a lot of supper. Cereal for breakfast doesn't do as well for me as an egg and a rasher of bacon, though I actually adore cereal. Most important, for me it's almost 100% how much I eat, whereas what the food components are nearly irrelevant. It's true that eating a lot of high-fiber vegetables helps to keep hunger at bay, but before I'd been doing this very many weeks, my stomach shrank up enough that I rarely feel hunger any more. What makes me overeat isn't hunger, it's enjoying the taste and (often) boredom. Now I measure out and log what I'm going to eat, I eat it, and that's that. No more eating just because I feel like it might be fun.