Showering/washing hair after gym



  • katiebean
    katiebean Posts: 110 Member
    I usually just take a shower and dry my hair with a hairdryer at the gym... Most of the time I do yoga or resistance training though, I only get really sweaty once or twice a week. If I'm exercising at home, I wash it if I needed to wash it that day anyway, otherwise I just do the same....

    Is that really gross? Haha.
  • Brithicks
    Brithicks Posts: 148 Member
    I wash my hair 1-2 x per week. On super sweaty workout days I put my hair up high in a bun or tight in a french braid. Keep it up in a sower cap when I showed my body. Then let it dry still up. Put it down, add some dry shampoo (I use batiste for brunettes) rub it a bit with my fingers and go.
  • ellaJaeger
    ellaJaeger Posts: 11 Member
    I wash my hair every other day since it gets greasy from all that sweat. I shower at the gym then throw it up in a braid chignon. I've mastered several styles so it goes quick. Have to look presentable at work. At the end of the day before bed, I take the braid out and it leaves my hair wavy. It's nice and low maintenance.
  • Rini_s
    Rini_s Posts: 68 Member
    I never shampoo at the gym after a workout. I use a headband, and I sometimes dry the sweat with the gym's hair dryer if it's uncomfortably wet. I shampoo every other day at home, and neither me nor my husband notices a bad smell or anything. Will sometimes use dry shampoo after drying my hair at the gym.
  • drsb300
    drsb300 Posts: 7 Member
    I make a tea of black English Breakfast (caffeine) and fresh rosemary (has to be really fresh). Steep it and put it in the fridge. Then use a spray bottle to spritz my hair and scalp with it after my workouts, which are intense. It is a natural antiseptic and follicle stimulating treatment, so your hair and scalp stay clean. It smells fresh and clean and your hair grows. I am African American with curly hair, so I wear wash and go styles, so this is EXCELLENT for any hair type. One big cup of this "hair cleansing tea" lasts me all week. I found the idea on YouTube and I highly recommend it!
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    I wash my hair 2-3 times a week. Try just washing your bangs or the crown of your head in the bathtub. This way the hair people can see is fresh, but you don't need to wash the whole thing.

    Dry shampoo comes in many colors- Try Bumble & Bumble.

    I also change my style depending on how fresh it is. Down the first maybe second day, half up after that, then into a ponytail.
  • MiniNyoom
    MiniNyoom Posts: 12 Member
    drsb300 wrote: »
    I make a tea of black English Breakfast (caffeine) and fresh rosemary (has to be really fresh). Steep it and put it in the fridge. Then use a spray bottle to spritz my hair and scalp with it after my workouts, which are intense. It is a natural antiseptic and follicle stimulating treatment, so your hair and scalp stay clean. It smells fresh and clean and your hair grows. I am African American with curly hair, so I wear wash and go styles, so this is EXCELLENT for any hair type. One big cup of this "hair cleansing tea" lasts me all week. I found the idea on YouTube and I highly recommend it!

    I've got to try this! I don't do any styling to my hair so this sounds perfect
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Shave your head. Problem solved.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I hate dry shampoo as well because it makes me look like I have grey roots.
    I've pretty much made my workout and work schedule fit my hair washing schedule.
    I make sure the days I don't do cardio are the days after I wash my hair.
    Here's a brief overview-
    Monday:cardio - wash my hair
    Tuesday : heavy lifting - don't wash my hair
    Wednesday: 2 hour boot camp where I'm drench in sweat - wash hair
    Thursday : rest - no wash hair
    Friday - cardio and weights - wash hair
    Saturday - upper body lifting - don't wash my hair
    Sunday - lower body lifting - don't was my hair
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I sweat too much and my hair is oily, so I wash every day. I need to check out that vitamin D claim about the head sweating...I know it's been low
  • foiensoi
    foiensoi Posts: 49 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Shave your head. Problem solved.
    That's one way to lose a few pounds!
  • Burger2066
    Burger2066 Posts: 126 Member
    I wash my hair and my beard after every workout...but I'm guessing that I don't fit the target audience of your question...
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    There are gentle shampoos made for daily use. Even baby shampoo. Or a shampoo/conditioner combo product. Lots of options if you need an alternative.
  • AngieGetsHealthyin2012
    AngieGetsHealthyin2012 Posts: 45 Member
    edited March 2016
    I have long (waist length) straight hair, and I typically roll it around my fist and hold it out of the way while I lather and wash JUST my roots/scalp in the sink every day. It's actually a lot easier than it sounds, and it saves the length of my hair from being over-abused. After my scalp is clean (and the first 3 inches or so of hair) I let it drip a bit in the sink and then wrap my head in a towel.

    This has worked wonderfully for me and my hair is much healthier now without all the extra washing, blow-drying, straightening and everything else involved in cleaning and prepping long hair.

    (I keep it in a ponytail while at the gym, and I sweat very minimally, so the lower parts of my hair are not exposed to sweat.)
  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    It's absolutely necessary for me to wash every time I sweat. I have very sensitive skin, and my scalp gets pretty irritated if I don't shower within an hour or two of working out.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I have long (waist length) straight hair, and I typically roll it around my fist and hold it out of the way while I lather and wash JUST my roots/scalp in the sink every day. It's actually a lot easier than it sounds, and it saves the length of my hair from being over-abused. After my scalp is clean (and the first 3 inches or so of hair) I let it drip a bit in the sink and then wrap my head in a towel.

    This has worked wonderfully for me and my hair is much healthier now without all the extra washing, blow-drying, straightening and everything else involved in cleaning and prepping long hair.

    (I keep it in a ponytail while at the gym, and I sweat very minimally, so the lower parts of my hair are not exposed to sweat.)

    This is more or less my thing too, as my hair is long, thick, and very dry.

    I never do a full wash at the gym as it takes too long and isn't great for my hair.
  • njaalla
    njaalla Posts: 39 Member
    I wash my hair 1-2 times per week, usually after sauna, and I always let it air dry afterwards.

    During sports I wear it in a high ponytail or braided to keep it out of my face. When I sweat, it's usually around the hairline, so it doesn't make all my hair look greasy.
    For showering after a workout, I put my hair up into a bun so that the length won't get wet. When I wash my face and neck, my scalp and hairline might get a bit wet as well, but the most important thing is that the rest of my hair stays dry, because:
    1) I don't want to wash my hair too often
    2) I don't want to walk home with wet hair and blow drying takes me ages.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I think every sweat gland in my body is in my head. That combined with super short hair means I wash my hair after any cardio longer than 30 minutes. I recently read one of those "Alarming signs of low Vitamin D" articles on yahoo and it said head sweating was a sign of low vitamin D. It's probably woo, but now I'm taking the calcium supplement with the vitamin D in it since I already knew I was low calcium.

    Huh. I need to wash my hair less since moving to Massachusetts, and assumed that had something to do with the move, but I also started supplementing with D after the move.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    I think every sweat gland in my body is in my head. That combined with super short hair means I wash my hair after any cardio longer than 30 minutes. I recently read one of those "Alarming signs of low Vitamin D" articles on yahoo and it said head sweating was a sign of low vitamin D. It's probably woo, but now I'm taking the calcium supplement with the vitamin D in it since I already knew I was low calcium.

    Hey we are sweaty head twinsies. A lot of the women where I used to work would shower but not wash their hair. I don't know how they got away with it. It seemed like 90% of my sweat was in my hair. I washed my hair after every run. I also usually showered at night then, so some days 2 showers a day. My hair handles it just fine, not particularly dry or oily, thick but very very flat. I run after work now since I don't have access to a shower at work. The handful of times I ran at lunch I put my hair up after, it sort of makes me feel better that it's not hanging long and dirty, I don't know. To support your woo theory (perhaps not woo!) I have been measured at the doctor to have low Vitamin D.
  • ironhajee
    ironhajee Posts: 384 Member
    What is this thing you call "shower" ?