39 and Pregnant



  • pregnant39
    Thank you, I will have to figure out how to manuver around these sights to get to other topics on pregnancy. I also assumed about 300 cal increase but i am having a hard time meeting 1500cal once i prep everything up. I have only ate fresh foods, no processed or fast foods, -just fruits and Veges. Yogurt and prenatal vits/water..lol. I exercise. I need to find new preparation food ideas. I own a business and work full time also so time is limited to prep but I have been focused to eat healthy so i do prepare on Sundays for the week in small portion control baggies....I also have to limit my heart beat to less than 140 while exercising so that makes it hard for me to run.
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    hmmm...I am not the advisor of how to eat during pregnancy for sure, because I know you need to eat healthy while you're pregnant...I think the best thing to do is to LEAVE OUT THE SUGAR and as much fat as possible....best to you and your baby!!!

    Sorry, but not good advice. I work with pregnant women in nutritional counseling, and you really do need a balanced diet for the baby to get all the nutrients that he/she needs - if you cut out an entire food group, your baby is likely to be malnourished. Not to mention, cutting out most or all carbs & fat leaves only protein left - protein IS important during pregnancy, but if you eat too much you can do damage to your own kidneys as well as your baby's.

    Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Your nutritionist was right - if you go into a pregnancy overweight, you should only gain 9-10 pounds during those 9 months. However, I'm not entirely sure why they said you would lose weight the first trimester - that's common with hyperemesis, but you shouldn't be TRYING to lose weight your first trimester.

    Best of luck -
  • nancypaille
    I also found it hard to try and come up with enough calories at first, I don't see the point in trying to reach a calorie goal by filling those hundred missing calories up even if you are not hungry... So instead I just decide if I am hungry or not, this past week I have started to notice I think I need to be eating more, because I am hungry mid afternoon despite my afternoon snack. Also remember that not all calories can be treated equally, if you are eating 1500 nutrient rich calories and you are feeling full, maybe that is enough for now... 1500 goes a long way if you know how to manage them! Its far better to get 100 calories from a banana then a mini bag of chips! Listen to your body's cues and add when you need it, there is no point in stuffing your face just to meet a calorie goal. Your body will let you know if its hungry or not! Just make sure you are getting enough of everything in the mean time, iron, protein, calcium etc...