Hi, Lorraine here

Hi, I am not new to Fitness pal but do keep stopping and starting. I am calling this a new start as I did quite well last year and dropped 2st ish. Halfway through January though I had a fall and have been off my feet for a few weeks. Nibbling out of boredom and no real exercise plus the resting up resurfaced a ligament problem, I am slow getting back into things. Lower back problems limit what I can do anyway but I tend to try push myself as far as I can anyway. I have gained some of my weight back and need all the encouragement I can get to drop the 1 1/2 stone I am aiming at (currently). I have no desire to be size (UK) 12 again and would settle happily for a curvy 16! I am now 18 bordering 20 so a way to go. Roll on summer as I tend to be stronger when the sun shines ..... staring at snow at the moment so no help from Mother Nature there!! Wishing everyone success in their aims on here ! x