Does this look like a good workout routine?

Mon. Cardio and abs
Tues. Total body strength training
Wednesday. Cardio and lower body
Thurs. Total body strength training
Friday. Cardio total body
Sat. Total body strength training
Sun. Walking for 1 hour

I will chose certain workouts for the given day and then change it up every 2 weeks.


  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    I am going to guess the reason you aren't getting any responses is that there is not much here to go on.
    We don't know what you are doing, or how long, nor do we have a clue what your goal is.
    Try something like:
    Mon: Cardio and abs --- Zumba (60minutes), Floor Wipers (3 sets of 50, 50lbs), Treadmill (30min, 9mph, 6%), Hanging Leg Raises (3sets of 20), Rowing (20min)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    What are your fitness goals? What do you mean by "Total body strength training?" Are you doing a program? Are you including lower body in "Total body strength training" and then doing it again the next day?

    My an actual program. As a beginner you do not have the requisite knowledge to put a program together. If you're doing full body, that would indicate you're also doing lower body as a part of total shouldn't then do it again the next day because you're completely negating your work. The benefits of strength/resistance training comes with rest...the workout is just the catalyst...the magic happens with rest. If you keep working the same muscles and groups of muscles day in and day out, you're pretty much just running in circles and not allowing anything to heal up...thus negating the benefits of what you're doing....thus wasting your time.

    Do an actual program...New Rules of Lifting For Women, Starting Strength, Strong Lifts 5x5 are all bonafide beginner strength/resistance programs. You could also look into doing full body resistance training with body weight and resistance bands if you don't have access to a gym..but again...look into realy programs that give you direction and tell you when to increase intensity, etc.

    What are you doing for cardio? Do you have specific cardiovascular fitness goals? Are you going to train or just workout to workout?