Starting over and looking for support

Hi everyone :) I've recently started my weight loss journey and I'm looking for some people to help me stay motivated. I'm getting serious with my diet and training but my family and friends aren't on the same journey so it's hard to stay with it. I'd love an acountabilibuddy or 12 to keep me focused.


  • doesthisappmakemelookfat
    IT's so hard when your family just doesn't get it. Sending you a request.
  • GymShark007
    GymShark007 Posts: 26 Member
    Same here buddy!! Ive been working out for 8 years now but been out for past couple of months due to a surgery. In a process of recovery. Gonna go in hard again after I recover
  • Marchy2k
    Marchy2k Posts: 5 Member
    Hello,I feel your pain I have no support at home .just stay focus on yourself .you can-do it. :)