Possibility of abs after multiple csections

I'm curious as to the possibility of such a goal. I've always been naturally fit even after 3 kids. I turned 30, had my fourth, and now I've got the mom belly. I'm cool with it for now bc of what it produced, but now that my baby is almost two, I'd like to get my sexy back and some abs would be nice too. Is this possible after 4 csections? I know my diet is really important, but can your body bounce back from so much trauma in one area?


  • noelmkhan
    noelmkhan Posts: 4 Member
    Bump... I'm curious too lol!
  • hannibalholt89
    hannibalholt89 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi there it is definitely possible to bounce back after having csections, I had a client I was training that had 3 c sections and she has made great results. Good luck ladies @noeimkhan and @dashe111
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited March 2016
    I've had two sections

    If I reduced my BF a little more I'd have more visible abs but my body aesthetic is slightly softer so I'm good around 23% like my AV which gives me a hint of abs
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited March 2016
    I think @usmcmp had c sections ...I know she has kids ...I might be mistaken but she has very visible abs

  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    No C sections, but I was obese when I got pregnant and I gained 60+ pounds with each baby.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I don't see why 4 would make any difference than the previous 3.

  • dashe111
    dashe111 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks everyone. It definitely is going to be a battle I'm sure, but I'm happy to hear others have had great results so it isn't an crazy goal to shoot for!