lost 35 lbs then gained 10 back lost more now

mskmadd Posts: 4 Member
edited March 2016 in Success Stories
Almost 4 years ago I lost 35 pounds with this app it's amazing!

I also found the app FatSecret for recipes and it really is amazing as well and I still use it

I kept that weight off for 2 years then gain 10 pounds back and spend a year up and down on the scales trying to lose it again

Then I got diagnosed with GERD and I've now lost that 10 pounds plus another 12

Set 2 goals for myself one is 4 pounds away and the other is 10 pounds after that

I spent a lot of time in denial of my looks because I look good even with more weight on just don't feel good about how I fit in my clothes

Noone ever saw me as having self esteem issues but I'm sure they saw me in denial of what I really looked like hahaha!

Anyway I went from being almost sick thinking about squeezing into my clothes before I lost. 35 pounds to feeling good about myself and then when I gained t!hat 10 pounds back I didn't want to go back on the app
but I didn't want to be keep gaining weight back either

I still kept the lifestyle these years later with weighing pasta and meat
buying low fat dairy and keeping a eye on portioning and calories

What kept on getting in my way was snacking at night even though I counted out my chips I still probably out of calories by the time I was eating my chips

And of course I had wine with my chips as well

So still not using the app just watching my portions and can't eat too much or I get a lump in my throat or pain in my chest and then can't eat after dinner because it is bad to lay down after eating and had to cut down weight on alcohol too
I drink a quarter shot of vodka in my drinks and 4 ounces of wine and I had to switch to white instead of red because of the acidity

I am on acid blocker medication for life and that makes it so that I don't have acid burning my esophagus I can eat everything but cranberry juice so far

Anyway lost. 10 plus another 12 and feel freaking great!

I will say this for this app it made me feel and control it taught me about portioning and it taught me about looking at boxes for how many chips I can have or whatever and I usually cut that in half and I have no dip with my chips anymore either

I still snack I just have snacks during the day

What got me on this weight loss journey three and a half years ago was because I found out that diabetes runs in my side of the family too and I did not want to be like the rest of my family and my blood pressure is better my back is better and I mean I had a really bad back problem and I am not able to exercise because of an injury from a car accident but this app really got me started

Plus I was worried about my husband wait as well and wanted him to lose weight as well and he has

And now my husband told me he loves my confidence

It feels great to be excited about getting dressed again
I got new clothes
I tried all my old jeans and they fit well
And some were big
and then I put them in the donate pile

Because the style is not comfortable and I still have to be in bigger clothes because you can't be in tight clothes having Gerd

Anyway today I have lost 40 pounds total according to this app!

14 more pounds to go!

I have lost the last 20 pounds in about 3 months

Because I had no choice because of the portion sizes I am forced to have

Kind of an enforced diet and I'm actually happy about it

I am NOT happy about having GERD and I had no symptoms before that night

But it is basically acid reflux chronic and I have the silent kind which means it could have done a lot of damage before I found out about it and I just had a scan done and my esophagus is fine

And the amount of alcohol I'm drinking is OK by the doctor but of course if there's any damage on the next scan I will have to give all my alcohol up

I don't drink a lot I just like a cocktail with dinner and a quarter shot is not even anything to worry about according to the doctor

And vodka has the least calories and the least acidity of all alcohols

I now drink infused fruit water as well where are you have the fruit cut up and then the water and the fruit juice infuses into the water and it's very good for you
I buy frozen fruit at the grocery store and chop it up and put it in my special container
I use real fruit too

Because the meds I'm on
make me dehydrated and I have to drink water all day

The app is great don't get me wrong and I like planning my meals like that too but I just didn't like the time it takes

But the app is done its job of educating me on calories and portion sizes
And has educated my child and my husband as well

And I still weigh out my my pasta and meat and I give myself like an ounce and then a lot of vegetables

When I make stir fry I make a little tiny pasta and a tons of vegetables and I do make my own portions separate so I can make sure I get only the one ounce of meat

I have lots of tips and tricks that I could share with you on how I do things because I cook my pasta ahead of time partially cooked and freeze it and I also just sear meat on both sides leaving it raw in the middle and then freeze it

So I can throw dinner together in 5 minutes and its pre cooked meals in advance

I only cook in bulk and I freeze everything
But the seal a meal and stuff keeps forever

And whenever I cook any meat I blot up all the grease before i use it

Also I had already been using light and lean meat because I have no gallbladder and have problems with fat and grease so I don't cook traditionally I actually use a oil sprayer instead of putting oil in the pan

I already had good habits I just didn't have them fine tuned

I am still learning and still keeping my weight loss journal on this app
Plus enjoying the blog recipes

I recommend the FatSecret app to everyone it is amazing!

I wish everyone the best on their weight loss journey too!


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