"Craving" a cheat day.

I've been doing so well for the past month. I haven't started working out - yet - but I'm down 8 lbs by watching the calories.
I've been really craving a cheat day, though. Some pizza, maybe some Pepsi, some chocolate cake. Yep. Definitely want that. So, in your experience is it better to give in this time and then get back on track or push through?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Can you make those things fit in your calories for the day? No reason to not have the food you enjoy in life.
  • HeathermRVT
    HeathermRVT Posts: 79 Member
    All right I realize I just posted this but I'm now thinking the best compromise would be to do some exercise and then eat back the calories so that I'm still within, or at least close to, my calorie limit for the day.
  • jayjay_90
    jayjay_90 Posts: 83 Member
    ^ Bingo
  • xXxWhitneyxXx
    xXxWhitneyxXx Posts: 119 Member
    Fit them in your day, you'll feel better about it that way, I know I always do.
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    If you're "craving" there will be a scientific reason behind it in 9 times out of 10, if it's specifically sugary stuff you gotta eat some fruit, if it's "junk" in general you might be over restricting a little so your body craves calories from anywhere! Allow a little of whatever you like, log it, adjust the days after if you go over and life as normal :) no point never eating pizza again you can't sustain that!!
  • theconnertys
    theconnertys Posts: 31 Member
    I had pizza and beer for dinner tonight. It was a treat, and I will still hit my calorie goal for the day. Sodium goal is out the window thanks to the pepperoni lol, but you can eat your cravings...just plan it into your day. And yeah...work out. You can eat most of those calories back (I don't eat them all back because even with a heart monitor your calorie burn is not exact...don't want to accidentally over eat).
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    Another way, which I think is even better, is to retrain your taste. I used to like bacon but it grosses me out now.

    In a lesser degree, let yourself enjoy a slice or 2 but consider eating more than that is kinda gross and forbidden. Think of this as adults have outgrown the joy of putting 1 tablespoonful of pure sugar in the mouth which I did as a kid. :)
  • ragtimedoll
    ragtimedoll Posts: 25 Member
    Don't cave!! lol that's my experience anyway. Gotta keep working at it every day.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Plan a reasonable cheat meal and do it. Do not exceed your TDEE for the day.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I used to like bacon but it grosses me out now.

    *lights thread on fire*

  • HeathermRVT
    HeathermRVT Posts: 79 Member
    Think of this as adults have outgrown the joy of putting 1 tablespoonful of pure sugar in the mouth which I did as a kid. :)

    If being an adult means not enjoying spoonfuls of sugar than count me out! :p

    Thanks for the advice everyone. As I've been losing about 2lbs/week I want to wait until I hit ten, indulge, but still make it work within my goals, and then keep going!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,019 Member
    I also fit those things in every day. A 12 ounce Pepsi is just 140 calories. If you just have one occasionally or even once a day you should be able to fit it. I have pizza almost every week. My husband loves it and he doesn't need to lose weight. I just usually have a big salad with it and only have one or two pieces. I don't have cake often because my husband doesn't eat sweets and I don't want the temptation but I do have something sweet almost every day. I wouldn't be able to stick with it if I gave up everything I like to eat.
  • Yisrael1981
    Yisrael1981 Posts: 132 Member
    You know yourself best. To me I try to live without junk food as it makes me crave even more and I never get satisfied
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    If I eat too little, I definitely start having cravings for just about anything. (My worst enemy is a giant bag of greasy potato chips.) On the days where I eat enough calories, I don't even think twice about "junk".
  • youngpip
    youngpip Posts: 18 Member
    Pizza is the main thing I crave too, sad that it's one of the highest calorie items you can get!

    At a 2lbs loss per week I guess you've got quite a low allowance so it could be tricky to fit pizza PLUS chocolate cake into one day (even with exercise). So you might want to look at your week as a whole and be a bit lower on other days so you can fit it into the week's calories.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Make a piece of pizza fit in your day. And have a chocolate cupcake another day. It can all fit, you just have to be smart about it and not all eat it at once.
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    youngpip wrote: »
    Pizza is the main thing I crave too, sad that it's one of the highest calorie items you can get!

    At a 2lbs loss per week I guess you've got quite a low allowance so it could be tricky to fit pizza PLUS chocolate cake into one day (even with exercise). So you might want to look at your week as a whole and be a bit lower on other days so you can fit it into the week's calories.

    I'm not sure where you're coming from with that claim about pizza being one of the highest calorie items you can get; 1 slice (1/8) of a large cheese pizza at Domino's is 290 calories; one Lender's brand bagel, by comparison, is 230 calories. The pizza is probably more satisfying, thanks to the protein and fat (35g carbs, 12g protein, 11g fat, as compared to 48g carbs, 8g protein, 1g fat). 4oz of ground beef (1/4lb hamburger) is 287 calories by itself; eat that as a lettuce wrap, and you have more calories than that slice of pizza. I can make a salad with more calories than that slice of pizza.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    It won't hurt your efforts much (if at all) to eat at or slightly over maintenance if you cannot fit it in your day. Life happens. Pizza happens. Have some pizza and pick up where you left off.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I would give in, but not go bat *kitten* crazy about it. The only time I have 'cheat days' is a special occasion or when I've been craving something for a while. I don't give in to every craving I have, but if it lingers or reoccurs over several days, then I have it.
  • Lextmg86
    Lextmg86 Posts: 102 Member
    I have a treat every night but it also fits into my calories.