Please help!!!!!

I am 6'1 258 lbs 32 year old Male.
I go to the gym and can lift quite heavy however have a decent amount of body fat which I would love to get rid of !!!

I have this app and it's telling me to consume fats and carbs as a part of my diet.... however I don't know what is considered good fat and good carbs..

I work in a isolated area and do not have access to grocery stores only the food that's provided ..... basic raw vegetables broccoli cauliflower celery etc, and basic fruits apples bananas and oranges. Protein I have good access to chicken breasts and what not.

Please someone help!!!!!


  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    Eat in a caloric deficit and base your diet around balance and whole foods while still treating yourself to items that fit in your daily calorie allotment. Don't stress about the type of food AS long as you're mainly ingesting a balanced diet. Watch the scale/ mirror and eat the foods you like. If it doesn't budge, then decrease your portions or calories. It doesn't have to be complicated to the point where you track your macros, but log your calories and check your weight a couple times a week. It's all about expending more than your intaking(:
  • stu424duggan
    stu424duggan Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks alot this is alot to take in my first week
    Macros and Micros etc lol

    I like that approach
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Good carbs are mainly Vegetables, with the green ones being the best (Think Broccoli). Healthy fats - Coconut Oil, Macadamia Nuts/Oil, KerryGold Grass-fed Butter. Stay away from most Olive oil as it has been found that most are watered down with unhealthy Omega-6 Vegetable oils.