Fat girl cycling



  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    edited March 2016
    peleroja wrote: »
    Hecklers might happen, but it has nothing to do with you. For example, I heard some teenagers yell something with "fatty" in it to me just last weekend on a run. I'm 5'4" and about 118 pounds. Some people just do dumb stuff like that for no discernible reason and it reflects solely on their mental abilities, not your body or actions.

    I think that's important. It seems like women are more likely to get heckled, and I've had people yell things at me out of moving cars a lot while running. I usually can't understand them. I doubt it's my weight as same thing happened when I was much thinner. More about them than you. I bet all the cyclists are thinking, "good for her!"

    Same here. When I was road cycling sometimes you get riff-raff kids in their crappy little cars driving by and shouting something and thinking they're dead cool etc, but it's the kind of harassment that sadly some men think is okay to subject some women to. At the time I was 125lb and it had nothing to do with weight, they were just a-holes.
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    Ask yourself what you would think if you saw someone else exactly your size on a bike. You would probably think way to go! Then ask yourself if that same person came to you and said someone heckled me on my ride, should I quit riding even though I love it and its good for me. You would probably say hell no! Go ride and enjoy it. Don't let a random idiot steal your happiness. The same rules apply to you. Be as supportive to yourself as you would be to someone else. Enjoy your bike! (And you are worrying about something that hasn't happened and may never happen.... just sayin... :) )
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    Yeah, heckling happens to cyclists (and runners and basically anyone doing public physical activity) no matter what they weigh. Heck, I just got heckled 2 weeks ago! Focus on riding, having fun and if anyone says anything negative, well, sucks that they're such a miserable person that can't handle your awesomeness.
  • MudstainSally
    MudstainSally Posts: 571 Member
    “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
    Eleanor Roosevelt

    One of my favorite quotes and one I taught my daughter when she was getting mentally tossed around by a mean girl squad at school.
  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    Get on your new bike, get some good music going and do not pay one thought to any stupid person that would dare to heckle you!
    I hope you enjoy it, focus on the positive and I hope you have fun!
  • KettleTO
    KettleTO Posts: 144 Member
    ilex70 wrote: »
    Personally all I think when I see someone out moving...walk, run, ride...is "good for you". And I admire people that are heavier more because I know it can be mentally/physically tougher when you are carrying a lot of weight.

    And the funny padded pants are worth it. :)

    Cycling shorts are even more important when you heavier. They'll save your but and skin. Wear something over them if you aren't comfortable. Get out of them as soon as you get home. Wash promptly.
  • veggiecanner
    veggiecanner Posts: 137 Member
    If your really worried about it just ride your bike and you'll be thinner. then you'll have nothing to worry about. You'll be having so much fun you'll be too busy to worry about it anyway. I just got my new bike and I am not one bit worried about other people's Ideas about a 60 year old slightly overweight stroke survivor riding a bike so why should you worry about what people think? just go have fun and get healthy.
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    Yay for you! I felt nervous when I first got my road bike, because I was so used to riding deserted logging roads on a mountain bike. I got over it, first day out. I find the only people that can be jerks are the ones that drive cars and think bicycles don't belong on the road. Riding a bike is like being a kid again, so much freedom. Enjoy! Don't let anyone's opinion stop the fun. Ride on!