funny HR



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    drachfit wrote: »
    Walking uphill requires aerobic fitness. Maybe you have some, but apparently not enough to walk uphill continuously. It's just a reason to train more.

    What you have described is "I have difficulty walking uphill, my heart rate goes up and I get out of breath and have to stop." That is the body's natural reaction to walking uphill. As you get fitter it will happen less and less.

    Also, try walking uphill more slowly, you will go farther before you have to stop.

    And see a doctor

    My gp thought I should see a specialist and I did. He told me he'd never heard such a thing but eill put me on a 48h thingy, during which I'm supposed to workout... in a few weeks probably. Things aren't fast here.

    And no, my hr doesnot spike when I walk uphill. It spikes when I take a break which causes me to feel good again. When I then walk on it drops to a rate that is seemingly to low for the effort. And no, I don't walk too fast if frail looking old people overtake me.

    You are not a doctor. A hrm is not a medical device. There's a reason your cardiologist didn't look at your hrm data. Your GP sent you to a specialist for liability reasons. Walking uphill makes causes fatigue. But if you wish to keep believing that you have a rare condition that your GP and cardiologist have never heard of there's nothing we can do to stop you. Take the EKG, wait for the results, and go from there.