need advice!

Hey everyone! I could really use some advice here. I've been stuck at 170 pounds for at least three months now, even though I've been sticking to calories and exercising regularly. I'm 24 years old and 5'2". I just can't get past this. I was concerned that maybe I wasn't consuming enough calories, so three weeks ago I moved from 1200 to 1500, but besides an increase in muscle mass in my arms, I haven't lost any weight or seen additional changes. This week I thought I would try to increase my protein intake, but everything is such an experiment and I'm afraid of gaining. Advice please?!


  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    You could be experiencing water retention due to the increase of calories which can be masking any losses. Unfortunately you wouldn't of gained muscle while in a calorie deficit however seeing more muscle will make it look like a gain.

    When was the last time you changed your exercise routine?

    Looking at your diary, change up what you are eating. Have more fresh foods and lower the amount of processed foods you are consuming. Processed foods are full of sodium which will cause water retention and mask any losses. They also aren't full of nutrition. Add in more lean meats, more fruits, more vegetables, etc.

    How much water are you drinking? You don't tend to log it. Water is important when losing weight.

    Also, how are you measuring your food? Are you weighing it? Using measuring cups/spoons? Eyeballing your portions? Are you tracking everything? The bit of sugar in coffee/tea/oatmeal? The bit of cream or milk? The dressings, sauces, oils used for cooking, etc.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    At age 24, 5'2 and 170, you should be able to shed weight pretty easily. Have you seen a doctor about this? May be something a blood test can identify.

    There's potentially some input inaccuracies - overestimating exercise calories is pretty common. Also, some people have made mistakes like not tracking fruit or alcohol, which can throw off the intake calculations by a lot.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    I agree with thisismeraw. Stop eating processed foods. In fact looking at your diary you aren't eating a lot. You are eating very high calorie foods and then trying to do good with a salad. You're eating mostly carbs, so yes increase your protein and lower your carbs. Start eating fresh fruits and veggies for your carbs, and lean protein. If fresh fruits and veggies are not available go for frozen. Stay away from canned or any of the meals in a bag/box type idea.

    I didn't see your exercise, but I got stalled for 6 months. I measured all my food, I logged all my food. I prepared ahead of time, I went to the gym 3-4 times a week for 2 hrs at a time (one hour on weights and one hour of eliptical). In the last 13 weeks I started indoor cycling. It's basically a HIIT workout. So maybe look at your exercise or type of exercise.