How to fix my metabolism through exercise.


After I gave birth to my 2nd child, I managed through diet and some light yoga to go back to my pre-pregnancy size (that's around 25 kilos loss), but I'm now stuck at 70-73 kilos. I'm only 163 cm tall so upon checking on Internet, I should be around 60 kilos.

But these last 10-13 kilos just don't want to come off. I've had them ever since I was 16 when I started taking birth control pills for fixing my delayed menses (they didn't fix the problem, they just ruined my body and my life). Before the birth control pills I was 55 kilos. I stopped taking them 4 years ago so I'm not on any medication.

My diary is open if you want to check if I'm having a proper diet, but I'm thinking that maybe I need to add more exercise. One huge problem for me is not the pain during and after the exercise, but the stamina. I have no endurance whatsoever. I'm trying lately to do the Yoga Meltdown Level 1 video from Jillian Michaels, and because of my early exhaustion, I can go maximum for 22 minutes, can't finish the whole 30 minutes video.

So, after this loooong story (sorry), what I'm asking is: What kind of exercise shall I incorporate to lose the extra weight (or at least turn it into muscle), without killing me in the process?

Also bear in mind that I have a 2.5 year old and 11 month old, so going to a gym is impossible for me right now. I was thinking of buying some dumbbells and a stationary bike, but I don't know if that's enough, along with some power yoga.

Can somebody advice me? I don't want to stay even slightly overweight / unhealthy, as I have a very bad family history with diabetes and high blood pressure (my father and my grandmother from my mother's side), I want to prevent these 2 things.

Thank you in advance for even taking the time to read my huge post. :)


  • rolemodel69
    rolemodel69 Posts: 365
    Did you ever thought about doing a workout program at home? If you don't have much time to do your workouts, there a new program called Focus T25, which has 5 workouts per week, only 25 minutes each. We have a fitness group going and if you want to join us, we would help you and support each other through our journey.

    I have quickly looked at your diary, you are not eating enough protein aand too much carbs and fat. You might also be eating too much calories.

    If you want to continue with your current yoga workouts, i would stop tracking exercices in MFP, and just eat 1200 calories per and adjust your macros nutrients closer to 40% Protein / 40% Carbs / 20% Fat. But i would really suggest you get a good workout program and start moving to burn your fat.
  • sofiachohdary
    Thank you for your reply. 5 25-minute workouts sound great! How do I join this group?