Why you are not loosing weight...



    RUN_LIFT_EAT Posts: 537 Member
    Be careful of what you say. You can get "warned" or "banned" by helping educate people around here. "Feewings" get hurt mighty easy when people are taught some truth!
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    edited March 2016
    I just added this app and joined this forum. Was expecting to hear posts about health and fitness instead I hear rants and criticisms about people mis-spelling words on their posts. At the end of the day does it really matter?? Maybe some people are not as educated as others. Is it necessary to attack them? Keep it positive and focused on what this forum is for!

    I used to try to correct common grammar and spelling mistakes on boards because I thought people were basically smart and capable of learning. I now realize they are dumb, enjoy ignorance, and assume attempts to help them better themselves are attacks. I don't waste my time trying to help anymore.

    I didn't realize this new way of interacting was the positive way. I thought the idiots destroyed a shiny piece of my soul.