Great Appetite >,<

I know i am far from obesity but it's important for me.
I am 5'2" with small bones and amazing appetite.
I was trying to change my eating style and had a regular work out since 2012 beginning.
lost 14 pounds/7kg in 6 months but from January 2013 got a knee injury therefore stopped daily running.
Although the knee is healed & back to normal now but I just can't make my weight gaining stop.
Everyday I gain a pound... swimming makes me eat so bad and from a few months ago 105 lbs/47 kg has changed to 132 lbs!!
I don't know what to dooooooo!!!


  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Track your intake and eat to a calorie limit based on your body and exercise level.