back on MFP again... time to re-lose weight!

kpforyou Posts: 56 Member
Hello! Back on MFP for the third time (I think?). I lost 35 or 40 pounds my first time around. The second time, I never found the right motivation or support. Now, I'm back in the States after living in Jerusalem, Israel for 6 months. I am at my highest weight since college, and realizing that I gained back every pound I lost is really frustrating. It took a few years, but here I am again. Just another statistic.

I think what they say is true, that having friends who are in this with you is helpful. I distinctly remember the support of other members was a huge help for me when I was successfully losing weight. I know this process will be a slow one to start for me (I've been living in the land of the Kosher food movement, so right now, I'm really excited about the concept of mixing meat and cheese, and I missed Taco Bell and bacon oh so much...), but it's something I need to do.

I'm at a point in my life where I need to think practically about the rest of my life. I'm 28, and it's time to stop doing things like moving overseas for 6 months and then coming back. This is my life, here in the States, and it's time to be in control of it. I need your help to keep me in this mindset and to find a way to be healthy. Oh, and my favorite part of this whole effort to be healthy? I'm allergic to raw fruits and vegetables, as well as most nuts. And I don't know how to cook and don't have tons of time to learn, since I work 12 hours a day 4-5 days a week. Don't I just sound like a weight-loss failure in the making? That's why I need your help. I don't want to fail anymore. I can't keep waiting for life to calm down, because it may never, and I don't want to be overweight for the rest of my life. There has to be a way to get on a healthier track while living this ridiculously chaotic life.

If any of this resonated at all with you, please add me. I promise to be a supportive and encouraging friend back. After all, we're all in this together. You're not alone, even when you feel so far from home, everybody's here. And just remember on the way home, you were never meant to feel alone. ♬ Seriously, though. Let's be friends!
