BBQ ideas

iceey Posts: 354 Member
We love using our BBQ in the nice weather but I have trouble coming up with good healthy things to make on it. Other than the typical hot dogs and burgers, what do you BBQ?


  • JessMahoney1
    JessMahoney1 Posts: 86 Member
    Vegetable kebabs? So put Mushrooms, peppers, Onions, Tomato, Carrot etc on a skewer, very thin coat in a low fat oil then BBQ! Tasty, BBQ taste & Healthy!!
  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    Veggie anything
  • KaltieEm
    KaltieEm Posts: 73 Member
    You could make your own burgers, like this or this or even black bean burgers and serve with whole wheat buns and fresh veggie salad.

    Or just go for meat pieces, like chicken breast or pork. You can marinade meat in million ways, I recently tried lemon juice + olive oil + salt + pepper marinaded chicken and it was delicious. It's best to live chicken in spices for the night, but even an hour is good. You can cut it up and put on wooden sticks, or grill the whole breast. Onion, peppers, mushrooms and grape tomatoes can go on separate stick and be served along with the meat. Brush veggies with lemon-olive oil marinade a couple of times during grilling.

    Another one I really like is a Greek dish, for garlic lovers! Take whole eggplant and grill it flipping as needed until it deflates (that takes about 45 min). Then take off the grill, cut in half lengthwise, peel the skin off, lay flat on a plate, top with fresh mashed garlic, feta cheese, lots of fresh parsley and olive oil.

    As a desert you can also grill apples :)
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
  • JuzDuIt
    JuzDuIt Posts: 222 Member
    shrimp skewers, with veggies, etc.

    Chicken sausages.

    salmon in foil.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    chicken, steak, fish, Ribs, pork chops, Portabello mushroom caps, tomatoes, potatoes, grilled fruit (apples, pineapple, etc), grilled veggies (onions, peppers, zucchini, etc)
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    Grilled fruit! Kabobs, grilled chicken, chicken sausage, turkey sausage, grilled pizzas, portabella mushroom burgers, turkey burgers, lean beef burgers, grilled shrimp... so many options!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    chicken, steak, fish, Ribs, pork chops, Portabello mushroom caps, tomatoes, potatoes, grilled fruit (apples, pineapple, etc), grilled veggies (onions, peppers, zucchini, etc)

    This, a lot of indirect heat, but I don't do a lot of fruit.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Hot dogs and burgers? Are you talking about a grill? Why would you BBQ hot dogs? They are pre-cooked. :ohwell:

    ETA: When I BBQ, it's usually pork ribs or a beef brisket, sometimes chicken or pork loin.
  • LeopardPrintedLove
    LeopardPrintedLove Posts: 34 Member

    Usually we buy lean cuts of steak and chicken and put them on a stick with peppers, onions, squash, zucchini, mushrooms and various other vegetables.

    Tonight, we are going to make chicken and pineapple kabobs. I am going to season the chicken a little bit spicy and it will be really good mixed with the sweet and tangy pineapple.

    Also, we are roasting corn cobs on the grill tonight (Best recipe = soak a paper towel with some light beer, wrap it around the corn cob and then wrap foil around it and place it on the grill. The beer cooks off and the corn stays really juicy, eliminating the need for a ton of excess butter and fat)

    You can also roast potatos on the grill, it's good to cut them up into small chunks and wrap them in a foil packet with tons of seasoning and a little extra virgin oliver oil...

    The grill is not limited to meat, there are 100's of things you can cook on it! :)
  • kristengraham
    kristengraham Posts: 59 Member
    bumping for more awesome grilling ideas :D
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    My favorites:

    Chicken and pineapple kebabs

    dice yellow potatoes into bite sized pieces, season with a little salt and pepper, drizzle with a little olive oil and lemon juice - toss to coat, put in a foil packet - grill 15 minutes or so (shake every now and then)

    Sliced sweet potatoes

    Marinate asparagus in some balsamic vinegar
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I like it all. I just incorporate more veggies and stay under my macros. Grilled Veggie or Fruit kabobs are the best.
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    Chicken breast, Lamb kabob, Zucchini, Portobello. Steak of course. Pineapple.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I BBQ everything, because I'm the Tongmaster

    Here's my story.

    Mike was at the barbecue and Dwight was at the barbecue and I was at the barbecue; three men standing around a barbecue, sipping beer, staring at sausages, rolling them backwards and forwards, never leaving them alone. We didn't know why we were at the barbecue; we were just drawn there like moths to a flame. The barbecue was a powerful gravitational force, a man-magnet. Dwight said the thin ones could use a turn, I said yeah I reckon the thin ones could use a turn, Mike said yeah they really need a turn it was a unanimous turning decision.
    Mike was the Tong-Master, a true artist, he gave a couple of practice snaps of his long silver tongs, SNAP SNAP, before moving in, prodding, teasing, and with an elegant flick of his wrist, rolling them onto their little backs. A lesser tong-man would've flicked too hard; the sausages would've gone full circle, back to where they started. Nice, I said. The others went yeah.
    Ron was passing us, he heard the siren-song- sizzle of the snags, the barbecue was calling, beckoning, Ronnnnnn ...come. He stuck his head in and said any room? We said yeah and began the barbecue shuffle; Mike shuffled to the left, Dwight shuffled to the left, I shuffled to the left, Ron slipped in beside me, we sipped our beer. Now there were four of us staring at sausages, and Mike gave me the nod, my cue. I was second-in-command, and I had to take the raw sausages out of the plastic bag and lay them on the barbecue; not too close together, not too far apart, curl them into each other's bodies like lovers -fat ones, thin ones, herbed and continental. The jalapenos were tiny, they could easily slip down between the grill, falling into the molten hot-coal-netherworld below. Carefully, I laid them sideways ACROSS the grill, clever thinking. Mike snapped his tongs with approval; there was no greater barbecue honor.
    Carlos came along, he said “looking good”, and the irresistible lure of the barbecue had pulled him in too. We said yeah and did the shuffle, left, left, left, left, he slipped in beside Ron, We sipped our beer. Five men, lots of sausages. Dwight was the Fork-pronger; he had the fork that pronged the tough hides of the Bavarian bratwursts and he showed a lot of promise. Stabbing away eagerly, leaving perfect little vampire holes up and down the casing. Carlos was shaking his head, he said I reckon they cook better if you don't poke them.
    There was a long silence, you could have heard a jalapeno drop, and this newcomer was a rabble-rouser, bringing in his crazy ideas from outside. He didn't understand the hierarchy; first the Tong-master, then the Sausage-layer, then the Fork-pronger -and everyone below was just a watcher. Maybe eventually they'll move up the ladder, but for now -don't rock the Weber.

    Dianne popped her head in; hmmm, smells good, she said. She was trying to jostle into the circle; we closed ranks, pulling our heads down and our shoulders in, mumbling yeah yeah yeah, but making no room for her. She was keen, going round to the far side of the barbecue, heading for the only available space . . . the gap in the circle where all the smoke and ashes blew. Nobody could survive the gap; Dianne was going to try. She stood there stubbornly, smoke blinding her eyes, ashes filling her nostrils, sausage fat spattering all over her arms and face. Until she couldn't take it anymore, she gave up, backed off. Ron waited till she was gone and sipped his beer. We sipped our beer, yeah.
    Mike handed me his tongs. I looked at him and he nodded. I knew what was happening, I'd waited a long time for this moment - the abdication. The tongs weighed heavy in my hands, firm in my grip - was I ready for the responsibility? Yes, I was. I held them up high and they glinted in the sun. Don't forget to turn the thin ones Mike said as he walked away from the barbecue, disappearing toward the house. Yeah I called back, I will, I will. I snapped them twice, SNAP SNAP, before moving in, prodding, teasing, and with an elegant flick of my wrist, rolling them back onto their little bellies. I was a natural, I was the TONG-MASTER.
    But only until Mike got back from the toilet.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Bumping for recipes.

    A few of our favorites is we got a grilling metal basket a few years back. Layer a potatoe, baby carrots, summer squash and zucchini sliced, chunks of bell pepper and onions on top. I then dice garlic and throw that all over the top. Then either cherry tomatoes of if I have none I will quarter roma tomato and put on top. The juice from the tomato will leak down and keep the veggies moist from the top, and we will also put a metal bowl of water under the veggies so that it will steam from the bottom.

    Sliced pineapple sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon is a favorite for dessert. Served with a scoop of ice cream. Yum! Yum!

    Bell peppers stuffed with whatever and grilled on cedar planks. Most the time I stuff them with Spanish Rice, but occasionally will branch out and try something new or whatever is in the fridge that needs to get used up. The other day we did cream cheese, turkey bacon, cheddar cheese, fresh chives, and rice and it was delish!
  • I just came across this and it looks amazing


    Grilled Portobello Mushroom Burgers
    Servings: 4 • Size: 1 loaded burger • Old Points: 6 • Weight Watcher Points+: 8 pt
    Calories: 295 • Fat: 13 g • Carb: 31 g • Fiber: 11 g • Protein: 21 g • Sugar: 6 g
    Sodium: 594 mg (without salt) • Cholest: 0 mg
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,867 Member
    On hot coals just after starting the fire (you need to work quickly for the asparagus and prawns):

    Asparagus and zucchini slices (toss in a little olive oil first)
    Large prawns in the shell (toss in olive oil)
    Scallops wrapped in bacon (three scallops to a skewer, one slice of back bacon to keep them from sticking to the grill, remember to soak the skewers for an hour if using bamboo to prevent them from burning)
    Corn on the cob (you can you use frozen, or microwave fresh first and then just finish on the BBQ)

    When the embers are thoroughly white
    Lean steak, lamb chops, chicken thighs coated with BBQ sauce

    On the dying embers
    Small tomatoes on the vine (prick each tomato with a fork first)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Ribs. Steak. Chicken. Brisket. Hot dogs. Burgers.

    Basically anything but this veggie BS. Good tasting food is not unhealthy.