HIIT on rest days

Should I do hiit sprints on my rest days. I have one rest day per week. I weight train mon-saturday as well as I go to school for circus arts so I am also doing classes there from mon-fri. I'm just wondering if hiit sprints on Sunday (rest day) would be too much or if it will help get rid of stubborn belly fat.


  • CodyQuinlan
    CodyQuinlan Posts: 38 Member
    No, either make it a rest day or don't. Hill sprints is still resistance training for your legs and lower back. But HIIT has been shown to increase muscle mass when combined with strength training vs. strength training alone due to an increased stimulation of satellite cell(stem cells of the muscles) which enter the existing muscle cells and increase myofibril production (muscle tissue). I usually try to work in 3 10/15 min sessions a week on the days which are less intense workouts on my split so for me that's chest n tricep day and shoulders and abs day.
  • jeepinshawn
    jeepinshawn Posts: 642 Member
    rest day, thats where the magic of muscle growth and rebuilding happens.
  • clutchitalian
    clutchitalian Posts: 39 Member
    i lift 4 days per week and do 2 cardio but u ALWAYS need a rest day or 2 thats whenu grow.......