Michigan man

Hi guys after 23 years of marriage failing it's time I get myself back into shape. Any ideas or recipes will help. Good luck all


  • mdrossmiller
    mdrossmiller Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in Michigan, Grand Rapids area. Have been doing this since Oct. Down 20 of my 40 lb goal this week.

    I dropped the first 10 pretty easy by just watching the food..then flattened off a bit. Had to kick up the exercise to get the next 10.

    Anyhow, feel free to add me if you want. Good luck.
  • Sledbetter1969
    Sledbetter1969 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank mdoss.... hope you reach your goal
  • sedentarygeek
    sedentarygeek Posts: 55 Member
    Best of luck on your journey!