Favorite Subject in School

LucyMcd1 Posts: 84 Member
What was your favorite subject in school? I loved art and science.


  • History & Science!!!!!!!!!!

    hated PE tho.... pretended to have the 'female issue' almost everyday & since the gym teacher was a male, he wouldnt argue with me cause he had no idea when i was lying or not hahahaaa.....still passed tho ;)
  • du4u02
    du4u02 Posts: 42
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    Language Arts!
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Science, especially when we had lab work.
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Sex ed or recess for me :)
  • NotRailMeat
    NotRailMeat Posts: 509 Member
    Math & Science.... Explains why I grew up to become a Mechanical Engineer.
  • muaylex
    muaylex Posts: 32 Member
    PE,science, and math!!!
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    In highschool it was English because if we had solid grades and were caught up we could sleep in class haha! Loved that teacher she was awesome!

    History was good too as that teacher wasn't shy about admitting she was a stripper during college.
  • lightdiva1
    lightdiva1 Posts: 935 Member
    art and poetry.
  • cbarn025
    cbarn025 Posts: 939 Member
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    History. That's why I teach it now. :smile:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    French. I also enjoyed History and English. I'm a French teacher now :smile:
  • GTAFrank
    GTAFrank Posts: 730 Member
    History. Sucked large at math and science :(
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    define school

    in highschool probably gym or biology

    in university?

    it was a toss up - so many favorite subjects but the top 3 were geomorphology, hydrology and climatology :)
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    Psychology, Biology, History and Health/Nutrition
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Music :p
  • thatonegirlwiththestuff
    thatonegirlwiththestuff Posts: 1,171 Member
    I took a great philosophy class in college, but my favorite was an elective I took on administration of justice.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Science in general, and biology in particular. I always found it fascinating to learn about how the human body functions, as well as other living organisms.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    Recess :)