Getting back on track

Finally having a good day with my food cravings! My hunger has been under control. Got rid of the junk food and ate more fruits and veggies instead. Has anyone else delt with hunger while reducing calories? MFP gives me @ 1400 with exercise.


  • JLove115
    JLove115 Posts: 34 Member
    That is pretty low! I found my cravings really ended after eating clean for about a week. It was like my body no longer wanted junk. It was almost surreal, I was always a real sweet seeker, and now I just don't crave it. If I have a day where I am very hungry I try to eat a little more protein, it really keeps me full.
  • chattycathy42
    chattycathy42 Posts: 30 Member
    I think that will happen to me too. My whole problem is 2 weeks before my cycle I am starving!! Ugh.. I just got to get it under control somehow.
  • tahliakate162
    tahliakate162 Posts: 29 Member
    I have the biggest sweet tooth. I've always head people that give up sugar etc don't have cravings after a while. It seems so surreal to me, but I think I should try to do this too.
  • Loaski1
    Loaski1 Posts: 6 Member
    JLove115 is right. I did the 22-Day Revolution (Plant-based eating) and my sweet cravings were gone in a couple days! I'm not hungry very often. My problem: I want to snack at night. I teach my goal and start gaining it back due to snacking.
  • chattycathy42
    chattycathy42 Posts: 30 Member
    Good advice..might have to give up the sweets for awile. I used to weight around 125-130 and since I hit 40 2 years ago the pounds starting coming!
  • chattycathy42
    chattycathy42 Posts: 30 Member
    Now I weigh 144!
  • JLove115
    JLove115 Posts: 34 Member
    Yes, once you haven't had them for a bit you just don't want them.