Hello, I'm new to this!

Hi everyone. I'm looking to join a support group of friends. I'm looking to lose 90lbs within the next year! Yes I need a lot of motivation. Being a Fast Food Restaurant Manager does not help!! Please add me and help me in my journey. I will do the same for you


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hello and welcome ! Be sure to check out the group section and challenge section. There you will find people who may have similar goals and struggles. Best of luck to you !
    Also be sure to search other threads where people are looking for friends. comment on those threads and let people know you are looking. Sometimes you really have to put yourself out there to find friends . click on peoples Avis and send them requests , reply to threads and join groups and challenges !
  • RachelForeverme
    RachelForeverme Posts: 4 Member
    Hello....I will be happy to motive you I haven't figured out how to add people yet