Anyone fall in love with this stuff so much that you became a personal trainer?



  • CoachKatie814
    CoachKatie814 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm a full time personal trainer, and love it :) I got into after finishing my BSc and realized I wanted to work in prevention instead of a field that fixed problems that were already there.
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    Azdak wrote: »
    I think everyone who gets into this business started with a personal passion for both fitness/health and working with people. I didn't start out wanting to be a trainer (avoided it for almost 30 years), but I went into exercise physiology because of my interest/experience in both exercise and teaching. In my case, I started exercising seriously in the first "running boom" in the early-mid 1970s. Got tired of where my life was going in my late 20s and went back to school to get my masters degree in clinical exercise physiology. Never really wanted to train, but at my current job they forced us to start doing it 2-3 years ago. It's worked out fine and I enjoy it.

    While I think it's a natural progression to go from 'loving exercise" to wanting to work with people as a trainer, I also am very old school in that I think the preparation requires a structured course of study, in addition to practical experience beyond ones personal workouts. To me, "certification" should be the final step in the process, not the first step. While not everyone needs an exercise science degree, I can't imagine anyone--even with years of workout experience--being able to go through the necessary steps to become a valid professional trainer in less than a year of study and internship experience.

    Thank you for this perspective. It's something I never thought about before. I've got my masters and the debt to match, so another degree is not an option. My former school, however, does allow alumni to audit classes for free. That might be something I'll look into.
  • drsb300
    drsb300 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm an Ed.D and have taught Human Development for many years. I love fitness SO much I'm getting my FITA certification next month (to teach for LA Fitness).
  • punkrockgoth
    punkrockgoth Posts: 534 Member
    I've definitely developed a much deeper interest in fitness and nutrition which led to me taking a university nutrition course. I considered looking at more kinesiology classes, but found while reading through the course descriptions that the actual stuff you need to learn sounds pretty boring, even if I love fitness and nutrition. I'm not really one to talk though, I ended up going into another field where the jobs are far more interesting than the education required to get them (Computer Science and Information Security).
  • BalletAndBarbells
    BalletAndBarbells Posts: 334 Member
    Planning to emigrate this year and then I will hopefully be able to work part time and study to become a PT part time. I'm a nurse so I have studied A+P and nutrition and I have a good understanding of how the body works but would want to study more to ensure my knowledge translates to the fitness arena! I have lost 60lbs and completely changed my body with heavy lifting, ballet, circuit training and spinning. I hate running but am teaching myself to do it because achievement in something you are bad at is a bigger achievement than improving in something you are already good at! I need to show myself I can do it if I try harder! I'm hoping to use my knowledge and personal experience to help others to achieve goals and change their lives. I'm in my late 30's and I want to show women of this age that it's not too late to make a permanent lifestyle change!