Over one year since I created a recipe & myfitnesspal.com has made their SW worse!

JAGrogan Posts: 14 Member
Over one year since I created a recipe & myfitnesspal.com has made their SW worse!

Seriously, it's not even up for debate. Once on the myfitnesspal.com site you've added all the 'My Foods' from your pantry and you go to create a recipe whose pantry will you be using? Yours. That's right! You will be using your 'My Foods' as you've entered them but apparently myfitnesspal.com seems to think you want to look through everybody else's pantry but your own when creating a recipe.

Absolute nonsense. And I've found I can't even update old recipes and save them with updated nutritional information from my updated foods in My Foods (which does actually still work) thanks to manufacturers lying about the labels and not actually testing they've had to go back and update their incorrect labels with correct nutritional information and so I must do the same.

It looks like to get this site to work correctly I will have to prepend the My Foods and Recipes entries on my account with some gibberish so that myfitnesspal.com won't throw pages of useless food entries at me when I go to do record a log.

Why aren't their management, programmers, and QAs doing their jobs?


  • Shusaka
    Shusaka Posts: 12 Member
    Agree wholeheartedly. When you search for a food in the My Foods section, why the hell do other entries come up at all!?!

    Recipes aren't logging/saving properly, but this is nothing new. Meaning, it hasn't been dealt with for years.

    I don't know why you can't edit "verified" foods - still so many mistakes!

    On a related note, I don't like how in the latest update/s when you're searching for something (in the app) and hit the back button the list disappears and you have to manually hit "search" again if whatever you selected for closer inspection wasn't right. If I searched, I'd expect that list to remain there until I search for something else!