Help setting daily calorie goal/activity level?

I'm mostly unsure on how to adjust my calories for work days and my days off. I work line in fast food, so my workdays are pretty active. I also do some pretty intense floor scrubbing later on in the nights.

My days of, however, are pretty sedentary. Maybe a mile of walking doing errands and such, but nothing intense.

Currently I've set my activity level to lightly active, which allows me 1500 calories a day. On workdays I add 200 calories. I'm having difficulty telling if this is right for 1 lb a week loss because I've been going 300-900 calories over per day (yeah I'm working on it.)

Anyways, does 1700 calories on workdays sound appropriate for a 5'2, 154 lb woman? Should I reduce my off day calories to 1300 or stay at 15?