Finding "Fitness Friends"

lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
So, I've NEVER been the type of person who relies on other people...But I'm a social person. I like my alone time, but I like spending time with people as well, especially working out. I find it more enjoyable and less like a chore. Well, I keep having friends that will be all about wanting to workout with me, then they bail last second (after I rescheduled my workout FOR them so they can work out with me). I scheduled a "Run or Dye" team run because my friends said they would do it with me...but they bailed, and now I'm screwed trying to find people for my team.

Does anyone else have this problem? And am I the only person who gets extremely extremely irritated by this? I wouldn't care so much except that they bail on me all the time. It's so frustrating. If you experience this, what do you do? Or how have you found 'reliable' "Fitness friends". lol