Road to Loose100



  • Cathyd07222016
    Cathyd07222016 Posts: 8 Member
    I must say that I find it easier if I have 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks. Keeps me full. Also, I am eating more fruit again and that also makes me feel better. Reasonably low in calories too.
  • Aspice4life
    Aspice4life Posts: 15 Member
    Kathy, Bobbi, Nancy & UofL,
    Thank you for all the wonderful suggestions & motivation. I feel so much better physically in only a few days by rating healthy & by skipping all the sweet & salty junk food. Love this diet plan and the fabulous community!!!
  • Aspice4life
    Aspice4life Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you for the suggestions. Over the past 35 years, I have learned that simple carbs are simply not my friend. When I avoid them, I no longer crave them & my weight literally starts to drop wo much effort. I feel better eating meats, cheeses, fruits & veggies w an occasional small starch.

    I hope you continue to feel healthy and reach your goals!
  • Aspice4life
    Aspice4life Posts: 15 Member
    UofL..... love it!!!! Continuing to start over and over again is a fabulous philosophy! We all have our "bad days", but looking at it as another opportunity to start again is simple motivation to do better. Thx for the tips!
  • Weaz66
    Weaz66 Posts: 1,846 Member
    I just started on this current journey and feel free to add me (I'll send a friend request). Anybody feel free to add me! I'm at 263. My highest weight was 174 and I hope to get down to 170, but if I can go lower at that point I will. I've crashed and burned so many times it's not funny. I did something really stupid in my life and it sent me to jail for 2 years. In those 2 years I learned a lot about my body and weight loss. I lost 74 lbs. The Dept of Corrections follows the Government Food Pyramid that most of us learned in elementary school. No fried foods, Fats were minimum. Unfortunately when I returned home I gained every pound back. I began eating at fast food places and went back to drinking soda, and wasn't walking. I just turned 50 and decided this is it! So I'm taking Baby Steps. Slowly using up the food in my house (that's not considered weight loss friendly) and healthy items are only being purchased now. Slowly i'm learning to buy healthy, cook healthy and exercise more. Baby Steps!
  • Weaz66
    Weaz66 Posts: 1,846 Member
    Here's a group you may be interested in here on MFP The people are awesome.
  • jazzie96
    jazzie96 Posts: 2 Member
    I have about 100lbs to lose as well. Have lost about 15lbs since Januaray 1st just by limiting sweets and unhealthy snacks, moving around as much as possible, and drink tea and about a gallon of water a day. It's so hard! I am very busy and really have to get better at pushing myself to actually work out and I just got back on the wagon. Not an easy journey