Looking for single MFP's friends Girls or Guys

Hey all...

I'm a single 38 year old female, never married (instead I decided to leave and live a much happier life), no kids. I have about 100 pounds toss away and I would some MFP to connect with on this journey. Please add me :) let's chat,!


  • Myli73
    Myli73 Posts: 4
    Hi there, just came across your post and thought I'd give you a shout out. I'm also single with no kids. 39 yrs old and enjoying life. I'm new to this site and hoping to meet people who can inspire and motivate me. I want to lose about 50 lbs and go from there. What brings you to MFP?
  • Welcome to the journey. I am a 49 year old female living in Hickory North Carolina. I have about 60 pounds to loose. I love my fitness pal. If you would like to chat, you have a friend.
  • I am 27 years old. Never married, nil on the kid count. Have 140 to kick off this frame of mine, so am always looking for chat buddies. Anyone that come across this, feel free to drop me a line and an add. :)