New here, looking for accountability friends

getfitby817 Posts: 6 Member
edited March 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi y'all, I am starting my weight loss journey, starting today. Today is the day, I start holding myself accountable for what I put into my body, and do/don't do for it.I am tired of being the fat one. I am at my heaviest weight ever (235lbs). My goal is to lose 4lbs a week (yes over the 2 they allow you to choose on here), and 100lbs total. I would really like to hit my goal weight by my birthday in August. I know it will be to tough, but it will be worth it in the end. I am expecting to hit rough patches, but when I really put my mind to it, my determination kicks in and I will over come. Now is my time. I am 34 and have 4 kids and I want them to see mom healthy and active!!
If anyone wants to join me in my journey please add me as a friend on here. Good luck to everyone here, on your weight loss goals!!!