Is a Fitbit worth getting?



  • CPAGrrrl
    CPAGrrrl Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a techie-geek and I love the wearable technology that's available now. Last summer I sampled several different 24-hour activity trackers including the Jawbone UP2, Jawbone UP24, Polar Loop, Fitbit Surge, Moov and Garmin 920XT.

    My favorite was the Jawbone UP2 but it doesn't provide heart-rate monitoring. I loved the app, it is very functional, loads quickly, and provides really timely, intuitive feedback to help you reach your goals.

    The Fitbit did have HR but I found it to be really bulky and unfashionable and it really stuck out like a sore thumb with my professional work attire. The model I had was also not water-proof - OK for sweat or outdoor activity on a rainy day, but no swimming, which is a big part of my routine. They may have other water-proof models but write-based HR wasn't a deal-breaker for me and in general I liked the other options better.

    I liked the Polar Loop because it was water-proof and I could swim while wearing it, and while it is larger than the Jawbone models, it's sleeker than the Fitbit and the Garmin. I have a Polar Loop available if you would like to purchase. Check out their web site for specs, i believe it DOES provide HR monitoring. I had posted it on Craigslist but I think a lot of people don't know what it is, as the Fitbit brand is so popular.

    The Moov was great but again no HR (though I'm told it will utilize a separate HRM if you have one like a Garmin HR strap or similar product, I never tested that.) Moov provides great feedback on workout form including feedback and coaching for running, walking, swimming, and biking (outdoor only, not on stationary bike). it does GPS outdoors and has a neat "live coaching" feature, and it's really inexpensive compared to the others.

    The Garmin 920XT is an incredible training tool for triathlon training but total overkill for my purposes. It also doesn't have the wrist-based HR but does have water-proof HR chest straps which I can wear while swimming. In addition to GPS it also provides feedback on swimming, running, and biking form, and can be used for either indoor or outdoor sports for all three. It was an enormous upgrade from my older running-only GPS watch, and it's probably the most expensive option listed here.

    Any of these offer 24-hour activity tracking, movement reminders, and "smart" alarm functions. And all will link to MFP - except maybe the Moov, it's very new and they are still working on those types of arrangements.

    So this is probably WAY more info than you needed but I've made myself something of an expert on wearables these days. [shrug] I hope it's helpful.
  • shor0814
    shor0814 Posts: 559 Member
    I had one for the longest time and loved it and used it religiously. I only stopped using it when my dog chewed it up while charging. And it was recalled but never caused me any troubles. I loved the way it kept me honest in my activity and my sleep.

    The only reason I didn't buy another one is because I have been waiting for my Atlas Wearable. I like the Atlas and it needs some bugs worked out and the app cleaned up but an amazing device. It won't count your steps at the moment but it counts everything else.
  • Nikki10129
    Nikki10129 Posts: 292 Member
    I got a zip for free through work, and I like it, it has made me more aware of how sedentary I am. I don't know if I'll be paying to buy a new one aftter though.