MUST stop eating such a heavy supper!:(

I feel as though I do great during the day, then supper is just a downhill mess. Any helpful tips to keep this from happening? Or light supper ideas? Thanks in advance. I know snacking can help.


  • chimaerandi
    chimaerandi Posts: 153 Member
    What does "a downhill mess" entail? What are you eating during the day? Calorie goal? Height and weight? General goals?

    I mean, I ate salmon with a salad and some naan for dinner, but just telling you that isn't very helpful if I'm not sure what the trouble is.
  • Thickthighjo
    Thickthighjo Posts: 26 Member
    @chimaerandi I'm 5'4 215 pounds. I am overeating. That's the trouble trying to lose 50 pounds. I'm a teacher so I eat well at work, but once I get home after a stressed day, I seem to overeat.
  • chimaerandi
    chimaerandi Posts: 153 Member
    Make it easy on yourself with prepwork. I'm a legal assistant and some days are just wild, so I prep a piece of salmon in some marinade, so when I get home it's like 10 minutes in a pan and done, some minute rice, call it a day, have room for a cookie or something. At work on busy days, I have a protein shake in the fridge, and some sunburst tomatoes, and those tuna packets in my desk drawer.

    I started at 5'3'' 200 pounds, so not that far from you, and as of this morning, I'm 133. It's totally doable.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Pre-log and do a bit of prep work early in the week. Cut up all your veg so you don't have to when you get home. I usually have a giant dinner for 400 calories whether I'm losing, maintaining, or gaining. Volumetrics.
  • Thickthighjo
    Thickthighjo Posts: 26 Member
    @chimaerandi wow that's awesome! Thanks for your insight!!!
  • professorhuggins
    professorhuggins Posts: 72 Member
    As a former teacher/current administrator I totally get this. When I first started, I would work out in the evening so that I could run or lift heavy things as a stress relief. Plus it's harder to want to overeat when you feel like you just burned a bunch of calories!
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Pre-log and do a bit of prep work early in the week. Cut up all your veg so you don't have to when you get home. I usually have a giant dinner for 400 calories whether I'm losing, maintaining, or gaining. Volumetrics.

    Yes. Volumetrics is key for me!
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    What kind of foods are you eating during the day? Honestly, I focus on a higher fat diet and I am very rarely hungry between meals, some days I'm not even hungry come dinner time. It's difficult to offer you help without actually knowing what you are currently eating.
  • emmaprocopiou
    emmaprocopiou Posts: 246 Member
    I tend to have big dinners in the evening , I prefer to eat this way and it hasn't hindered my losses.
    Can you pre log your evening meal and snacks? Prep your evening meal for the next night the evening before to help you keep on track
  • Thickthighjo
    Thickthighjo Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks everyone! That is lots of great information. I'm about to begin pre logging in my food. Also, starting tomorrow I will try working out in the evenings to see if that motivates me to eat less in the evening time. Thanks again!
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    I find that I do better when I plan in advance what is for dinner. Even if I plan on eating out, I am able to look at a nutritional guide to make good food choices. My downfall comes when I wait to eat until I'm starving, have nothing planned, and I find myself standing in front of my open pantry taking "bites" of everything. Good Luck
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I do better with larger dinners, so I end up eating much smaller portions throughout the day and save the bulk of my calories for night. I also prelog and eat a lot of vegetables to help keep me feeling full.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I basically IF during the day so I can eat most if not all of my calories in the evening. If that's your natural tendency, maybe look into it.
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    I cut up everything I eat into smaller bites and I take my time eating. I drink a big glass of water while I'm making supper. I also use a lunch plate for supper. dinner plates are HUGE. I hate seeing my plate half empty :/
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    there's nothing wrong with a huge supper if you are still within your calories....
  • mallory_2014
    mallory_2014 Posts: 173 Member
    Make it easy on yourself with prepwork. I'm a legal assistant and some days are just wild, so I prep a piece of salmon in some marinade, so when I get home it's like 10 minutes in a pan and done, some minute rice, call it a day, have room for a cookie or something. At work on busy days, I have a protein shake in the fridge, and some sunburst tomatoes, and those tuna packets in my desk drawer.

    I started at 5'3'' 200 pounds, so not that far from you, and as of this morning, I'm 133. It's totally doable.

    This is what I do! I am a Legal Assistant as well and agree that some days are just wild and crazy!

    OP, on Sunday's I do a ton of meal prep. Make lunches and dinners for the week and put into the fridge. I do mine and my daughter's for the full week. I wash and cut all my veggies on Sunday's and put into containers or a tray in the fridge to easily grab. I also tend to make a giant batch of salad and just leave it in the fridge and grab from it when needed. I also make an extra meal or two and put them in the freezer for an extra, super quick meal if needed.
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    I do a lot of the above- I love prelogging, sometimes it's my lifesaver. I also enjoy a larger dinner and always save cals for some kind of dessert (even if it's just fruit, honey, and greek yogurt) but I want to avoid that overstuffed feeling since I noticed that, for me, it leads to binging in the days after or even later that night. Sometimes planning something as simple as an after dinner walk can help since it would be uncomfortable to move around a lot if you're bloated and overstuffed from a huge dinner and walking can help you relax and destress a bit.

    Also, tea. Someone mentioned water while they make dinner but I like something warm so I go with tea. Basically the same idea ;) Good luck!
  • CassidyScaglione
    CassidyScaglione Posts: 673 Member
    Have a plan for supper in advance... maybe even sort out the recipes for a week of suppers in advance... and then stick to the plan.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Shift your stress release from eating/inactive to active pursuits. Walk for 30 mins after getting home and retrain your brain. You aren't hungry, but likely just bored.

    Don't do anything drastic, but implement small changes that have dramatic impact over time. Drink a glass of water 30 mins before meal time and slow your meal down. Make small achievable goals, hit them, then make new goals.
  • darcy1982
    darcy1982 Posts: 52 Member
    @chimaerandi I'm 5'4 215 pounds. I am overeating. That's the trouble trying to lose 50 pounds. I'm a teacher so I eat well at work, but once I get home after a stressed day, I seem to overeat.

    Hello, I saw your stats and we almost have the same goal and i am 5'4 210!