Pain in Knee


For the past 2-3 weeks, I've had this awful pain in my right knee for no reason. It only occurs when I stand up from a chair and start walking (only for about 5-10 seconds), and when I have to get on my knees to help get something in some of the residents' closest at the place I volunteer. I do the elliptical quite often, and I do martial arts about twice a week. I also do a lot of walking from class to class. Is there anything that could possibly be causing this?

To know where the pain is, it seems to be right below my kneecap, and behind the kneecap itself (like, right behind the bone). It's a stabbing pain, but it's only there for a few moments and then it's gone. But the pain is so bad that it causes me to limp for a few seconds.


  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    Make an appointment with an orthopedist.
  • AL4040
    AL4040 Posts: 5 Member
    Sounds like a meniscus problem but you should see a doctor !!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member

    For the past 2-3 weeks, I've had this awful pain in my right knee for no reason. It only occurs when I stand up from a chair and start walking (only for about 5-10 seconds), and when I have to get on my knees to help get something in some of the residents' closest at the place I volunteer. I do the elliptical quite often, and I do martial arts about twice a week. I also do a lot of walking from class to class. Is there anything that could possibly be causing this?

    To know where the pain is, it seems to be right below my kneecap, and behind the kneecap itself (like, right behind the bone). It's a stabbing pain, but it's only there for a few moments and then it's gone. But the pain is so bad that it causes me to limp for a few seconds.
    If it's below the knee cap, it's likely tendinitis. This comes on from repetitive use and motion (also known as runner's knee). If you feel it "in" the knee, then it could be the menisus.
    An orthopedist would give you the best assessment. I'm giving assumption based on symptoms.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • BlackRose278
    BlackRose278 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey guys!
    I think it was just done by over-use because of how much I exercise. I don't feel it anymore when I stand up, but I still get it when I kneel down, so I think I'm gonna give it a few more days to see if it gets better :)
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    My guess would be meniscus or something that happened to me, patella femoral disorder which is the pulling of the kneecap by unevenly developed muscles so that it puts pressure on the padding between the kneecap and the bottom of the femur. It happened to me because I was doing a lot of the same cardio exercise and my quad muscles developed unevenly. This happens a lot it seems to very active people and the pain is usually felt right behind the knee but not all of the time. I usually felt it when I was trying to stand up, going down stairs but not necessarily up or did high impact exercises. I usually didn't feel it any other time. An orthopedists is the one that can give you a good diagnosis.
  • Livgetfit
    Livgetfit Posts: 352 Member
    Hi there.

    I had the most awful reoccurring knee issue last year. I'd done the c25k & was running regularly in 2013-14 towards the end of 2014 I started working out a little less with the holidays etc. Then all of a sudden when I threw myself back into it at the start of 2015, my right knee started causing me horrific pain.

    I had eased myself back in by starting with powerwalking so I was confused.

    It felt like a pain all around my kneecap. Occasionally I'd feel it up and down the outside of my leg but always stemming from the knee. It was excruciating and particularly bad when I stood up from sitting or tried to go down stairs or hills.

    My friend has been going to an amazing sport chiropractor for years so he got me in for an appointment. The guy assessed my alignment and told me that my knee was caught in the middle of a massive conflict: my right hip wants to push out but my left foot wants to roll in. All my life the poor knee has been caught in between the 2 and time had just gotten to it, it was complaining about being piggy in the middle & that complaint meant I had to be in AGONY.

    I began weekly sessions with him and he sent me to an podiatrist about getting inserts to correct the foot for good.

    But it was all so expensive. I mean $70pw & an estimate of $700-800 for the inserts.

    So I did something radical: I corrected my posture myself. Guess what? Pain has gone, POOF! If I'm lazy with my posture on a walk or run, the knee gives me a stab, I apologise & correct and we are all good. It is like magic.

    I am so relieved because both specialists had told me I might never run again. (I'm no competitor but it is my mental therapy). An additional nice side-effect is that I am using my core more now in order to correct my posture & I'm feeling my abs get stronger - though I cannot remotely see them haha!

    Now this may not be the case for you and I'd suggest you seek medical attention if it persists, my point is merely to consider all the factors.

    I hope you get some relief. Let us know what it turns out to be!