Is weight loss plateau a myth??? I'm worried if not then i've hit mine :(

ZLARZ Posts: 63 Member
edited March 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm just curious if it's a legit thing. I've been stuck at 164.8 for about 2 weeks now. The first 6 weekd I lost a total of 20 lbs exactly. I eat 1200 calores a day and work out for at least half hour varying with zumba, jillian michaels shred dvd, and jogging. I work out 6 days a week, maybe 5 days sometimes.
I'm also breastfeeding.
The first month it was melting off. Like almost 3 lbs a week...
Then I had a cheat meal one day and doubled my caloris and ever since then, I've been stuck at 164.8!!!
I had cheat meals every week from beginning and would gain a lb or 2 of water weight then lose it in a couple of days plus more. Well, it's been 2 weeks now and the scale literally hasn't budged...


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Two weeks isn't a plateau, it's just a regular stall. Make sure your logging is on point and be patient.

    On top of that, 1200 calories while breastfeeding isn't good. This could cause your supply to dry up.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Two weeks is not a plateau. In general, a plateau is 4-6 weeks without a loss and indicates that you need to cut calories. Two weeks without a loss follows the point that weight loss is not linear.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Of course weight loss plateau is a myth. It means you are eating at a maintenance level. Everybody who is trying to eat at a maintenance level are not considered to be on a plateau...
  • tcaley4
    tcaley4 Posts: 416 Member
    Do you have a food scale? How are you logging your calories? You are probably consuming more calories than you think you are.
    ZLARZ Posts: 63 Member
    I log every bite of everything. I weigh and log everything. I need to up my water for sure, bit other than that, i dont see amyway im sabatoging myself. Just so frustrating!
    How long on average does it take for weight loss to start again :(
    ZLARZ Posts: 63 Member
    What u mean to ask is do I just keep doing what I'm doing or do I need to up calories or what?
  • Madwife2009
    Madwife2009 Posts: 1,369 Member
    This happened to me and ended after about three weeks with a huge "whoosh" of lost weight. I put the "stall" down to water retention because 1) I'm female and 2) a muscle injury.

    I just kept going with a calorie deficit and regular exercise, even though I was frustrated and annoyed at having had two weigh-ins with no change. I'm no expert but my advice would be just to keep going.
  • Kanyon17
    Kanyon17 Posts: 156 Member
    Is 1200 enough to support your you? you may not be eating enough of the right things and you body is now in starvation mode. And I agree with everyone, 2 weeks is nothing to worry about :smile:
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    ZLARZ wrote: »
    I log every bite of everything. I weigh and log everything. I need to up my water for sure, bit other than that, i dont see amyway im sabatoging myself. Just so frustrating!
    How long on average does it take for weight loss to start again :(

    How frequently does your LO nurse? Breastfeeding can also hinder weight loss. Echoing what another poster said, at 1200 calories, you're risking your supply.
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    2 weeks? give it more time
    ZLARZ Posts: 63 Member
    As for breastfeeding, yes I was concerned about supply but so far no issues, plus baby is beginning to eat more solids so it's all equalling out. She is at 75% on all charts and poenty of dirty dipes so no problem there, so far...
    Breastfeeding has always helped me lose weight, so I don't see how it would make me gain now, but open to opinions and suggestions.
    ZLARZ Posts: 63 Member
    I'm not hungry. I always eat when I am I just make healthy snack choices. I'm sure my diet could be way better but I'm making smart choices and staying under my 1200 cal limit. I ju st didn't know this could happen so quickly I guess. I'll just weight it out (see what I did there) ;)
    And hopefully it kicks back up soon. Thanks everyone
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Are you weighing your solid foods and measuring your liquids with a measuring cup and then logging them using good solid entries in the database (i.e., those that match USDA nutrition info or info from food labels you have in hand)? If not, you likely are not eating 1200 calories and are instead eating more, in which case the "1200" calorie can be fine as far as breastfeeding goes, especially if you are also having cheat days which can completely blow any previous days' cumulative calorie deficits.
    ZLARZ Posts: 63 Member
    I measure everything and weigh everything.
    ZLARZ Posts: 63 Member
    I do a cheat meal once a week. I usually double my calroies for the day when I eat my cheat meal.
    I'm hoping this stall passes quick :(
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    What are your current height and weight?
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Your most recent post says you are staying under 1200?

    With your exercise schedule and breastfeeding, you are likely beginning to conserve energy in ways you aren't even aware of. You may be walking a little slower, using smaller movements, even sleeping a bit more.

    You would be better off eating a bit more and properly fueling your lifestyle.
  • Lextmg86
    Lextmg86 Posts: 102 Member
    Patience is key, just give it time and lower your caloric intake if needed after 4-6 weeks if you still are not losing.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited March 2016
    Its a myth pretty much, I'm sorry to have to tell you! it usually means we've been slacking off on being accurate with our food logging or over estimating the calorie burn from exercise.
    Weight fluctuates though and sometimes a person can go 2 or 3 weeks before they see a loss.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Plateaus do exist, but most people don't experience them. I've had a couple that lasted months and then ended with a large "whoosh" of weight loss. So to answer the question about whether plateaus are real: They are.

    Having said that, you don't know you are in a plateau unless your logging is tight and you have had no sustained loss when expected for well over a month. Even when in a plateau, the scale will fluctuate from day to day... it's just that it will go up and down around the same number and never go down and continue to stay down.

    In 2 weeks, there is not enough time to even determine that you are in a plateau.