Does fasting put you into starvation mode??



  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i didn't read any of the responses cause i've read em all before! :P. maybe not, so i am sorry to the original people.


    dr.oz says it is ok to fast here and there!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Religions exempt those demographics for legal purposes, mainly in the US. In most religions, the elderly are the ones who fast and it is very important to them. Pregnant women and lactating women cannot fast because they have to grow a child who does not have a choice in the matter. Children are often exemt because they are still growing. Even the ancients understood the role of nutrition in growing bodies. In most religions, the first fast is like a right of passage into adulthood when the child is fully grown. The sick are exempt if they require medication.
    I've studied with Islamic and Christian Mystics, Yogi's, and Krshna Devotees. Fasting does not put stress on the body when done properly. During fasting, you are supposed to take it easy. I assure you, form personal experience, it is extremely relaxing and enjoyable. Exactly the opposite of stressful.
    More bunk. These rules about who is exempt from fasting have been around longer than the US has been a country! Plus, even if that was true, think about WHY there would be a concern about being sued... it's because it's dangerous to fast if you are in poor health and it's dangerous because it's hard on the body.

    As for you not finding it stressful, you are confusing mental stress with physical stress. When I run, I find it stress relieving on a mental level. But it's definitely putting stress on my body! My heart rate is elevated, I'm pounding my legs, etc.
    dr.oz says it is ok to fast here and there!

    But Dr. Oz is an idiot. :laugh:

    And, actually, it is okay to fast now and then. It's also okay to eat ice cream now and then. But that doesn't make it healthy.

    I used to fast for religious reasons and you can get a lot of out if mentally. But all the supposed health benefits are pretty much nonsense.
  • Mookz0r
    Mookz0r Posts: 143
    For anyone wanting to see the consequences of serious fasting, visit a Middle Eastern country during Ramadan! Concentration levels drop to such an extent that offices close in the early afternoon. There is also a noticeable increase in traffic accidents and road rage.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Religions exempt those demographics for legal purposes, mainly in the US. In most religions, the elderly are the ones who fast and it is very important to them. Pregnant women and lactating women cannot fast because they have to grow a child who does not have a choice in the matter. Children are often exemt because they are still growing. Even the ancients understood the role of nutrition in growing bodies. In most religions, the first fast is like a right of passage into adulthood when the child is fully grown. The sick are exempt if they require medication.
    I've studied with Islamic and Christian Mystics, Yogi's, and Krshna Devotees. Fasting does not put stress on the body when done properly. During fasting, you are supposed to take it easy. I assure you, form personal experience, it is extremely relaxing and enjoyable. Exactly the opposite of stressful.
    More bunk. These rules about who is exempt from fasting have been around longer than the US has been a country! Plus, even if that was true, think about WHY there would be a concern about being sued... it's because it's dangerous to fast if you are in poor health and it's dangerous because it's hard on the body.

    As for you not finding it stressful, you are confusing mental stress with physical stress. When I run, I find it stress relieving on a mental level. But it's definitely putting stress on my body! My heart rate is elevated, I'm pounding my legs, etc.

    I'm respectfully disagreeing with you. My opinion and information is not bunk.

    The "rules" are not always written rules. I pointed out that religions in the US make exemtptions for legal purposes only because in the US you can sue your church for your own failed religious experience. The concern is not because its dangerous. Whats dangerous is my grandmother catching someone eating meat on Friday or washing clothes on Sunday. Those unwritten rules are just common sense. If you are in poor health, which is not common in these types of cultures, then the focus is on returning you to health. In some cases, fasts/cleanses/detoxing are used for that.

    These things vary in purpose and extreme, which is why its not always fair to say fasting is dangerous. If you went from eating processed food to a clean lifestyle, youve cleansed, just to a lesser degree. Some people will choose to make that transition by cleansing with herbs and yoga. Same outcome, different process.

    Outside of the US holistic practices are common. Holistic means you equally involve the mind, body, and soul. Here in the US any doctor will agree that mental stress can cause physical symptoms and vice versa. I've even heard conventional doctors tell people to meditate. Yet, when a treatment is offered that includes a holistic approach it is looked upon as "bunk". A proper fast/cleanse would involve abstaining from solid food or at least heavy food, massage, light stretching, proper nutrition balance via natural sources and herbs, meditation, strolling walks, journaling, therapy, increased hydration, maybe saunas and dry brushing, body wraps, soothing music, etc.... Thats my kind of stress reliever, maybe not yours. No, I'm not confused about what type of stress I'm feeling. Holistically speaking, its all the same.

    This arguement/debate is always a tough one. It is important to understand that when a topic like this is brought up, you have to look at it from the right perspective. Western medicine and Holistic Wellness are not going to look the same. Its kind of like judging a country's values based on your own. You have to understand what your looking at first. There is alot more to fasting/cleansing/detoxing than is ever considered in these debates. Medical studies only look at the measurable factors and what is repeated. Either side can provide substantial evidence to show that they are correct. Just like people argue that The Bible is right and the other side says the Bagavid Gita is right. One group can prove their point and so can the other. They are just coming from a different perspective. (I don't know if thats the best anaglogy, but its all I got at the moment.) I think what is important is that before anyone goes making claims about anything, they should make sure they understand the topic fully. Because, clearly, they both work. All the claims made on this post are new. Meaning that western medicine is new. The studies are brand new if you look at it from a time perspective. Eastern philosophy, aryurvedic medicine, Chinese medice..... they've been around for thousands of years and have successfully maintained their people.

    No Yogi ever cried over starvation mode, counted calories, or took lipitor. But they have passed 100 years old healthfully and died of old age. They have also proved in Western Studies that it is possible to control body temp and heart rate with the mind. And they sometimes fast before doing that.

    I'm just saying......

    These topics are always beat to death with western ideas. Maybe the studies aren't accurate because the whole phillosophy isn't taken into consideration. They look at the technicallities and numbers. Fasting has been a part of human existance for thousands of years. It clearly has something to it. In America people thinks its a hip way to lose weight and feel like your having a cultural experience. But in these other cultures its an experience. The whole thing is the experience, not just the fast.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Fasting diets that don't allow any food at all are not good for you. There are many plans out there that put the label fast or fasting in them because people look at those. Some of those "fasts" are actually pretty good for you, as a matter of fact I just finished a so called fast and some foods were eliminated for a period of 9 days but all in all it was a really good plan. I had egg whites, milk, yogurt, brown rice, beans, all the veggies and fruit I could stand and after a couple of days without sugar I felt great. From what I have read and learned through the years this "fast" was actually about how we should be eating on a daily basis, nothing full of sugar or processed, no focus on meat as the star of the meal.

    Fasts DO NOT eliminate toxins from your body, your body eliminates toxins on its own, however, fasts do not introduce any new toxins in the form of processed foods and sugars which is why most of us feel better after a truly healthy eating plan. If we would really pay attention a non traditional fasting diet actually focuses on whole grains, good sources of protein and exercise.

    So if you would just eat a "clean diet" you would in a way be fasting and purging toxins from your body simply by not constantly introducing things into your body that it doesn't need to function. But I do agree that a water only fast is not healthy and should not be introduced to children.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Holly's post.
    If you are eating significant food, you aren't fasting. You can call it fasting, but it's just a special diet. To fast, you have to abstain from anything but the most negligible of nutrition.
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    In the past 4 months I did a 28 day water fast and followed with low fat raw vegan diet. I just completed a 5 day "change of the season maintenance" water fast. I didn't have any complications during either fast. During this time I did the following: skin brushing, deep breathing exercises, jal netti, sunbathing, stretching, rebounding, hot/cold shower therapy, sauna, massage, brisk walks, P90x & running(both when not fasting). I am living the dream at this point. I have never felt better in my life & I have tried many many things.

    This was my list of health problems & the results:
    Overweight: lost 37lbs!!
    Erratic sleep schedule - GONE 10pm is really pushing it
    Mood swings - GONE
    Crying over nothing - GONE
    Irritated with people & opposing views - GONE!! I have love for all - yes even you :D
    Dry skin - GONE! softer, smoother, hydrated
    Rough spots/patches on arms - GONE!
    Body odor - GONE! No deodorant & no smell!
    Low Energy - GONE! Skyrocketed energy now!!
    Problems with both knees (pain, locking) - GONE!
    Pulling pain in left thigh - GONE!
    PMS symptoms horrible!! - GONE! Cycle is super light, two days, and painless
    "Other Female Stuff" - GONE! 2 years of agony - thank you!!
    Back pain - GONE!!
    Can't bring myself to exercise - GONE!! LOVE IT NOW!
    Crappy Metabolism - GONE! Moving & grooving - losing inches even 2 months post fast
    Fibrocystic breasts - GREATLY IMPROVED!! (Barely noticeable)
    Rough spots on feet - IMPROVED - softer
    Brittle nails/ridges - IMPROVED - stronger, don't break as easily
    Blackheads/pimples - IMPROVED - face is remarkably softer & clearer
    Poor circulation (legs/arms fall asleep easily) - IMPROVED!!
    Under eye circles - IMPROVED
    Bruising - IMPROVED
    Stretch marks/scars - much lighter
    Cellulite - Improved!!
    Food addictions - GONE
    Get the GLOW!!!

    I studied Dr. Shelton's fasting information - a Natural Hygiene doctor. The only ones I trust. He oversaw thousands of fasts and saw many patients achieve great success in healing dis-ease. I owe this new found life to him & Dr. Doug Graham. <3
    Raw foods alone could have done this for me but quite honeslty I didn't want to play the waiting game - I wanted to start living immediately and in 4 months time I AM DOING IT!! Going on an amazing hike tomorrow through caves and ending up on a double reef beach for some snorkeling - OH YEAH!!
  • lilay
    lilay Posts: 122
    Bumping so I can read all the links later :)