Upcoming Vacation!!

So in 6 days I will be going to New Orleans, the land of great food and killer alcoholic beverages. LOL I have been doing so good with my diet and exercise routine and I want to have fun but am worried about messing up. I tend to be one that can not have a single cheat day because I fall back into my old routine and have a very hard time getting back on track. Worried that a full week of indulgence will be my downfall when I come back home. :( Any thoughts????


  • jaecamp1
    jaecamp1 Posts: 120 Member
    I went on vacation last month and had the same concern. I did decide to not log and not worry too much over the week. I definately ate more than I normally do and not as good choices, but it wasn't as bad as I planned for. I tried to keep most things somewhat on track still (I bet New Orleans has some amazing sea food :)). When I got back I seriously felt like crap from all the bad foods I had while away. I did manage to get right back on track and ate super clean for the next week because I felt I needed to cleanse myself from the crap (that I used to eat all the time).
  • paulkj
    paulkj Posts: 163 Member
    I was the same way. I went on vacation last month, although I stuck to my normal diet, with a few indulences, I went WAYYYYY overboard with the alcohol. When I got back, I did a strict 3 day cleanse and ate clean afterwards. I did have a set back when my mom passed 2 weeks ago, but back on track now. I will be going back on vacation the end of this month, so I am going to be really strict and let myself enjoy my week.

    Good luck to you!!! You will be just fine.
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    I worried so bad before I went on a 5 day cruise...I ate everything I wanted and drank a lot of adult beverages. I didn't log to avoid any residual guilt...and you know what? I've lost some weight since then. :) Make the best decisions you can, and don't stress. What's the worst that'l happen? You'll gain a pound. When you jump back on the wagon the next day after you get back, you will lose anything you've gained (if any at all) and you'll do great! Plus, I felt like crap after I ate all that stuff my body wasn't used to.

    So hey, you'll learn some things, mess up, whatever. It's life. :) You'll be fine, so don't worry and just enjoy your amazing vacay! :)
  • stepgonz
    stepgonz Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks everyone. I WILL NOT be logging my food because if I see how many calories I am eating I will probably have a heart attack lol. Im just not going to think about it and enjoy my trip and get back on track when i get home. After all its not like I take vacation very often.