Looking for Motivation and to Motivate!

Hi All! I am not new here nor am I new to this weightloss journey or as I like to refer to it the journey to health! I don't believe that weight is the whole issue nor do I believe that weight defines who I am! I hope you don't either! I would love it if you would like, follow, share my journey with me www.fitjypsy.com and of course here on myfitnesspal who was a huge help in my first go round. I lost 167 lbs from february 2013 to march 2014 due to health issues and depression steming from those health problems I gained back 112lbs. I am currently restarting my journey and have lost 57lbs (only 13 since joining mfp last month unfortunately its not where I would hope I was at at this point but that is life and life happens I have changed my lifestyle/diet and went vegan in April.2015 but I am still fighting to get back to me again and I hope that you will join me on my journey. I would love any support, tips, inspirational stories you would like to share and I hope that some of you can get the same from me as that is my main goal to help others struggling or fighting the same battles!
