Looking for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) friends!



  • cariduttry
    cariduttry Posts: 210 Member
    ibs-d plus gluten intolerance over here! on top of gluten, i do better with no dairy, celery, peppers, and possibly whatever wash is used on bagged lettuce. gotta love it! i sent you a FR.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @janet6567 I was surprised to learn the Amitiza in capsule form containing MCT's. I am eating about 5 tablespoons of coconut oil which is 62% MCT oil and many others on MFP drink MCT and/or coconut oil for the anti bacterial, viral, fungal properties and the ketone effect. Best of success in finding your resolution to getting free of health issues.
  • a_candler
    a_candler Posts: 209 Member
    I don't have it but my mom has for 30 years. But what she's realized is that she has a dairy sensitivity (as do I and my son's that's how we figured out her). She cut dairy and gluten and even though she has the occasional episode it's nothing like she has dealt with in the past. Her's can also be triggered by Stress.

    Coalz-my mom has been looking into leaky gut. Can you tell me what treatment worked for me? It would be great for her to know.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    The one thing that sticks out in my in looking into ways to prevent or otherwise heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, etc is we are all different from each other often and we can even be different than ourselves past, present and future.

    Food may be a killer but chronic stress is even more so. Fix yourselves as soon as possible because age makes recovery much slower but in my case is seems doable to so yet unknown level.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    Numer1ca wrote: »
    That's my official diagnosis when I failed the celiac test. Mine is controlled with diet and trying to keep low stress. Of course, anxiety and OCD doesn't help with that. ;)

    I believe my IBS is also stress related. I'm trying to cut out many FODMAP foods for a while and see if I can get some relief.
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    I have had it for almost 20 years. It never bothered me when I lived in Hawaii while in the service though. Since I have lost weight, it has gotten better. I started taking a probiotic, and that seems to help as well. I could never narrow down anything that made it flare up.
  • wannabtight
    wannabtight Posts: 187 Member
    I have IBS, diagnosed after all of the other tests failed to show any problems. My diet is gluten free, I am unable to eat red meat, pork, corn, peas, soy, onions, milk, cream, sour cream, most cheese, insoluble fibre, strawberries, and the list goes on. It's hard to eat healthy when you can't eat anything. I eat a lot of chicken and rice and juice my greens.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @wannabtight it is great you did find a way to eat with IBS.

    In trying to find a way of eating to cut my joint and muscle pain I finally left sugar and all forms of all grains Oct 2014. That addressed my pain well but 6 month on the WOE my 40 years of IBS had resolved. To stay in nutritional ketosis I do keep all carbs <50 grams daily but after my gut healed I did add back dairy products that are mainly cream based (what floats to the top in raw milk).

    I found out my level of 'bad' gut microbes were putting a whipping on my good ones. The bad ones must have faded when they had very few carbs to feed on. I love my new way of eating. My macro for the last 20 months has been 5% carbs, 15% protein and 80% fats. Being 65 and this WOE has resolved some many 40 year health problems I plan to keep this plan for life since I love what can now eat.

    Wish you the best.
  • coalz
    coalz Posts: 308 Member
    a_candler wrote: »
    I don't have it but my mom has for 30 years. But what she's realized is that she has a dairy sensitivity (as do I and my son's that's how we figured out her). She cut dairy and gluten and even though she has the occasional episode it's nothing like she has dealt with in the past. Her's can also be triggered by Stress.

    Coalz-my mom has been looking into leaky gut. Can you tell me what treatment worked for me? It would be great for her to know.

    It was a few years ago so I can't recall specifically. I think it was about a month long process for me. It entails a food elimination diet with two weeks of restricted foods & a series of supplements including a meal replacement shake taken twice daily. all which is meant to remove toxins and then help rebuild the lining to your intestinal track. It was a brand called metaGenix (I think) The mango flavor was actually really yummy. So the treatment overall including products purchased & DR visits is a bit pricey but the quality of life is priceless!
  • luv2bowl6
    luv2bowl6 Posts: 62 Member
    Ibs here feel free to add me
  • Mirasaki
    Mirasaki Posts: 27 Member
    I am IBS-C and all I can say is god bless all the IBS-D people, I don't know how you cope with it.