Looking to lose 7-10 pounds

I need foods to eat throughout the day that aren't too many calories and will keep me full. i have a 1200 calorie a day limit & the food i eat is healthy but i get hungry right after i finish a meal ! i need help any ideas??


  • moorednorham
  • sabrinakeck
    Cucumbers, celery, carrots, rice cakes, grilled veggies (keep in fridge, dip in cottage cheese), drink two cups of water after your meal, you feel fuller. Or drink it first. Don't wait too long for your meals, eat at meal time, not later. Don't wait to eat your lunch until you are starving. Have a 300 to 400 calorie satisfying breakfast.
    Maybe you should start off with trying to loose one or 1.5 lbs per week, not two pounds. You can increase once your body is getting used to the decrease of calorie intake. Don't shock your body, if you are frequently hungry after meals, you will put your body into starvation mode. Start slow.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    A lot of green veggies. Why are you eating 1200 calories, which is the required minimum for a women, if you're only trying to lose 7-10 pounds.