
amnawtx Posts: 2 Member
Currently 152
End Goal 120 - 125
Lost 10 lbs since Jan. 1, 2016
12 Week End Date May 2, 2016
Challenge End Weight Goal 140

Will be happy in the short term just to get to 147/8 and maintain for a while.

Anyone in similar range? I am not active. I sit in my sauna 1 to 2 hours per day, maybe light stretching and exercise.

March 14 to April 9 doing a Boot Camp with my friend.

March birthday challenge with my boyfriend to lose at least 5 lbs, so that's 147 by March 29! My 32nd birthday!

Took me 3 to 4 years to go from 115 to 162, but I think I can get to my goal before 2017! Let's do this!