PICS - Another I'm not losing what I think I should post, am I putting on muscle? Critique me please



  • LER67
    LER67 Posts: 31 Member
    edited March 2016
    acheben wrote: »
    Yep, that's right. You could also just put your salad bowl on the scale and zero it before adding the salad dressing.
    Thanks for the confirmation, after RoxieDawn's post I had a "oh crap" moment thinking maybe I've been doing this wrong. Thanks for the tip on weighing dressing when applying to my salad, hadn't even thought of doing that. I try to be as precise as possible, just at lunch today it probably took me a good three or four tries to get exactly 15g of Olive Oil Mayo into the ramekin.

    Thanks to all the posters for their feedback so far, I greatly appreciate it. I think the biggest frustration with these past two weeks is that I've worked harder these past two weeks than I have since I started this thing on Jan 4 and to see 1.8 lbs lost is just so deflating, was not expecting the number I saw when I stepped on the scale this morning.

    My goal was/is based on my having to do this once before and how quickly I was able to drop the weight, I dropped 40 lbs in two months, but I was also about 13/15 years or so younger, nor did I have to work this hard! This go round (hopefully the last) it's coming off much more slowly, which is why I really kicked it into gear these past two weeks.

    I did read something about muscles retaining water that people have mentioned, I suppose that could be it as well as I really have pushed my muscles to their brink these past two weeks. Part of me wonders if I'd be better off backing off the amount of weight and just go for more reps less weight.

    True, this weight has been put on over the past 5/6 or more years, ain't going to come off over night, but I do want to do everything I can do to get it off as quickly as possible leaving nothing on the table e.g. if I can exercise more/harder I'm willing to put in the work, if I need to eat less eat less, I'm dedicated to losing this weight.

    Comments like eazy's (and others) are helpful, clearly with your weight loss number you've walked the walk. Any other tips, feedback, criticisms, critique is greatly appreciated.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    LER67 wrote: »
    Yes, another I'm not losing weight thread and yes, I've seen the flow chart.

    Background. late 40's, started my journey Jan 2016 weighing 271 (5'10") with a goal of being at 200 by June 1, 2016. Lost 21 lbs on my own in about 5 weeks. I then started a shred program from an on-line trainer and in 4 weeks I've lost 7.4 lbs. In the last two weeks I've lost 1.8 lbs.

    Why do half of these threads about not losing weight always have people losing weight? ;) You've lost 29 lbs since the beginning of the year looks like. You should be proud of yourself and incredibly happy with that. I have lost around 8 lbs since the beginning of the year, and am still 45 lbs from the high end of a healthy weight. Would love to have even had half your progress.

    Adjust your expectations. Sometimes I see on here when people lose the weight too fast at the start their body slows down to play catch up. You'd been losing around 3.5 lbs a week for the first couple months looks like. That's a lot higher than what you should be, so your body is probably just playing catch-up for a little while until it evens out.

    If the numbers don't make sense, it's almost always down to logging. Sounds like you are diligent with your scale, but make sure you remain diligent. Then make sure you aren't overestimating exercise calories. I realize they may not be "slowing down" your weight loss because it doesn't look like you are eating them back, but they could be making you think you should be losing faster than you are.
  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    LER67 wrote: »
    acheben wrote: »
    Yep, that's right. You could also just put your salad bowl on the scale and zero it before adding the salad dressing.
    Thanks for the confirmation, after RoxieDawn's post I had a "oh crap" moment thinking maybe I've been doing this wrong. Thanks for the tip on weighing dressing when applying to my salad, hadn't even thought of doing that. I try to be as precise as possible, just at lunch today it probably took me a good three or four tries to get exactly 15g of Olive Oil Mayo into the ramekin.
    If you're adding the mayo to a sandwich, you can place the plate (with the bread on it) on the scale and zero it. Then apply the mayo to the bread.

    You can also put the jar of mayo (or peanut butter, yogurt, etc) on the scale, zero the scale, and spoon out the amount you want. The negative number is the amount you used and need to log. I find this especially helpful for things that I'm inclined to lick the spoon since the residual amount on the spoon is counted in the negative number on the scale.

    You don't have to use exactly 15g either. Just divide the amount used by the total weight of a serving to get the portion of a serving that you used. Exampe: I used 19g of peanut butter. A full serving is 32g. I had 0.594 (19/32=0.59375) of a full serving.
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    acheben wrote: »
    LER67 wrote: »
    acheben wrote: »
    Yep, that's right. You could also just put your salad bowl on the scale and zero it before adding the salad dressing.
    Thanks for the confirmation, after RoxieDawn's post I had a "oh crap" moment thinking maybe I've been doing this wrong. Thanks for the tip on weighing dressing when applying to my salad, hadn't even thought of doing that. I try to be as precise as possible, just at lunch today it probably took me a good three or four tries to get exactly 15g of Olive Oil Mayo into the ramekin.
    If you're adding the mayo to a sandwich, you can place the plate (with the bread on it) on the scale and zero it. Then apply the mayo to the bread.

  • LER67
    LER67 Posts: 31 Member
    edited March 2016
    Why do half of these threads about not losing weight always have people losing weight? ;) You've lost 29 lbs since the beginning of the year looks like. You should be proud of yourself and incredibly happy with that. I have lost around 8 lbs since the beginning of the year, and am still 45 lbs from the high end of a healthy weight. Would love to have even had half your progress.

    Adjust your expectations. Sometimes I see on here when people lose the weight too fast at the start their body slows down to play catch up. You'd been losing around 3.5 lbs a week for the first couple months looks like. That's a lot higher than what you should be, so your body is probably just playing catch-up for a little while until it evens out.

    If the numbers don't make sense, it's almost always down to logging. Sounds like you are diligent with your scale, but make sure you remain diligent. Then make sure you aren't overestimating exercise calories. I realize they may not be "slowing down" your weight loss because it doesn't look like you are eating them back, but they could be making you think you should be losing faster than you are.
    Ha! You're so right, however, technically I didn't say I wasn't losing weight, just wasn't losing as quickly as "I" think I should be. Point taken though.

    You're right, I agree I have dropped a significant amount (over 10% of my body weight) in just over 2 months without doing anything that radical (OK I did a 5 day juice fast to kick this off, actually rather enjoyed it and once I hit my goal weight plan to go back to a juice a day), just lowered my calorie intake and exercised, go figure, getting my *kitten* off the couch and not stuffing my face with nachos resulted in weight loss! Who would have ever thought that would be the result? Kidding of course but really its quite simple. The work, now that's hard, weighing everything you eat requires dedication, passing-up on grabbing one of the fries out of my sons bag when I run him through a drive through takes will power. The end result will be worth it though.

    I suppose my struggle with the numbers these past two weeks is how well I've been doing on my diet and how much I've pushed myself at the gym. We're talking to the point of where when I've finished some exercises I collapse on the floor (quite the sight trust me). Had I known the result was going to be a .8 lb loss, I'm not sure I would have pushed myself so hard . . . no I probably would have.

    All good points. Achieving goals starts with realistic and obtainable goals. My goal was based on having done this over 10 years ago and clearly this body is different than that body was . . . Also, I think I might have to adjust how I'm measuring my goals vs. just the scale, e.g. off blood pressure meds completely, squeeze into a pair of jeans that I bought because they were a good price but never worn because they were too small (I've discussed this in another thread) etc. Not just X lbs. Challenge is as a fat person it's how we're programmed, you're over weight, how much do you weigh, you have to lose weight, if you lose xx lbs you'll more than likely be off your blood pressure meds, lose weight and you'll no longer be pre-diebetic and the list goes on and on. Tough to reprogram one's thinking on that.

    BTW, really wish I had taken a picture when I started this journey vs. after I'd lost 21 lbs.
  • ScoobaChick
    ScoobaChick Posts: 185 Member
    I weigh exactly as you do. I have another calorie program that lets me enter everything in gram and then I come here and play with portion sizes so I can get as close as possible but if what I have weighed is more calories than the same thing on a previous day's I will often leave the previous entries as is figuring I am erring on the side of caution ( e.g. my cinnamon waffles get weighed daily but I leave the same weight unless it is higher).

    You are doing great. Have faith and keep it up :)