Is a slow cooker/crockpot worthwhile if you don't eat meat?

I like the idea of using a slow cooker especially now that the weather is getting warmer. Theoretically it won't heat up the entire kitchen like the stove or oven. A friend told me veggie based dishes aren't suitable for slow cookers since it will just break veggies down into mush. Is this true?


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    When I cooked pinto beans and brown rice together in a crockpot, the resultant mush was nutritious. Both brown rice and beans perform quite well when I cook them in a saucepan. For my other vegetables I use a steamer.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    edited March 2016
    I eat meat, but I don't think that is always the case. It just depends on how long you will have it in there. I make chili in my crockpot with beans and peppers and onions all the time. It comes out fine. I usually only do it for 4 hours if I used canned beans. If you are using dried that you soaked overnight they hold up fine for 8 hours in there.

    You might need to adjust your cooking times but I can think of numerous soups I've made in the pot. Most of them have a 4 hour cook time. I prefer stuff that can be in there for like 10 hours while I'm at work.

    I've also made oatmeal in it before bed and woke up to deliciousness.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    bean and whole grain dishes work very well in the crock pot. Most cookers now also have timers so you can set it to start cooking later and cook for less time if you have more delicate veggies.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Beans are amazing cooked in the crockpot. I also make seitan in mine.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    There's nothing you can make overnight in a slow cooker than you can't make in minutes with a pressure cooker.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Beans are amazing cooked in the crockpot. I also make seitan in mine.

    Yes to crock pot beans! Chili, baked beans, barbecue beans, three bean soup/stew, etc. Oh, and you can make baked potatoes in a slow cooker, too. So much nicer than heating up the house in the blazing summer months.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I also vote for the best way to cook beans. Delicate vegetables can be added near the end so they don't get mushy.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    I vote no, it's not worth it.

    Most things I could make in the crockpot can be made on the stove- with the exception of meats that need the 8 hours of slow heat to tenderize.
  • punkrockgoth
    punkrockgoth Posts: 534 Member
    I use my crockpot for meatless dishes far more often than I do for meat.

    Beans! You can cook them right from dry with no presoaking
    Chilli! Mmm delicious back bean and lentil chilli
    Curry! red lentils, coconut milk, sweet potato and spicy curry powder... *drool*
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    ASKyle wrote: »
    I vote no, it's not worth it.

    Most things I could make in the crockpot can be made on the stove- with the exception of meats that need the 8 hours of slow heat to tenderize.

    But I can set up the crockpot before I go to work or while I run errands -- times when I might not want to leave something on the stove.
  • HarleyHeartstop
    HarleyHeartstop Posts: 8 Member
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
  • JenHuedy
    JenHuedy Posts: 611 Member
    I think an electric pressure cooker might be better for your needs. They have various setting for cooking rice, beans, soups and steaming veggies quickly. Many models also have a slow cook setting.

    I have both a slow cooker and a pressure cooker and use them both often. The pressure cooker is great for steaming rice & veggies and more delicate meats like chicken. The one I have has a browning setting so I can make many meals just in the cooker and never turn on the stove.

    I use the slow cooker for foods that do better with long low cook times, like fattier cuts of beef and pork or dried beans. If I use it on a work day, I'm gone over 9 hours and many foods, especially lean meats and veg just can't cook that long. I think it's should be a crime to ruin lean cuts like loin in a slow cooker and DETEST chicken breast cooked in the slow cooker. Tried the baked potato thing, and the were more like steamed potatoes. Slow cookers are great, but there are too many recipes out there that try to make them do things they just are good at.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I only use mine for meat on occasion...I cook beans from scratch and the crock pot is the way to go for that.

    I don't do a lot of meals in the crockpot as most of our week night cooking is pretty quick and easy...I will be using it next Thursday for my St. Patrick's day corned beef. For most things that require slow and low cooking for tenderness, I generally prefer my smoker or oven...but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
  • liftsalltheweights
    liftsalltheweights Posts: 73 Member
    Why would a crock pot not be worth it if you're not cooking meat? True, I typically make meat dishes in mine but I've also made egg plant parm and in the summer when I'm canning sauce I make it in my crock pots. I've made non-meat based soups in my crock as well. There's a lot of recipe books out there for crock pots and I am sure you can find an abundance of non-meat related ones.
  • liftsalltheweights
    liftsalltheweights Posts: 73 Member
    @cwolfman13 - possibly a stupid question but how do you cook your beans in it? How long, what do you do etc. I have a lot of dried beans but I'm unsure as to how to cook them but if I can let them rip overnight in a crock that'd be awesome!

  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    I've made chili, lentil soup, and split pea soup. I've made this pinterest recipe that's got tortellini in it - kind of a calorie bomb, but good.

    Needless to say, if you are determined, you can cook up a lot of vegetarian recipes in the crock pot.
  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    I absolutely LOVE my slow cooker/crock pot and I don't cook meat in there.

    I love to cook dry beans in there. Black beans with onions and tomatoes, white beans/navy beans with onions, garbanzo beans/chick peas with cumin, 3 bean chilli, vegetable soups/stews... I seriously love it because I throw everything in the pot the night before and when I come home from work I don't have too cook as much when I'm tired.

    For dry beans you DO NOT need to soak them first, (I recommend washing them though)
    then just make sure you have enough water, fill it up 1/2 way....add your seasonings and it's really delish, the water will evaporate so just make sure you have enough water when your not home.
    I put it on high when I'm home and then in low when I'm gone.

    Tomatoes, onions, salt, pepper, garlic an onion powder taste SO good with any dry beans.
  • kuroshii
    kuroshii Posts: 168 Member
    edited March 2016
    There are tons of casserole-type things you can make in a slow cooker.
    Also oatmeal! The kind of oatmeal that would take half an hour on the stove. If you get one that has a timer, you can set it up the night before and it will come on and cook the oatmeal and then keep it warm as you wake up.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    kuroshii wrote: »
    There are tons of casserole-type things you can make in a slow cooker.
    Also oatmeal! The kind of oatmeal that would take half an hour on the stove. If you get one that has a timer, you can set it up the night before and it will come on and cook the oatmeal and then keep it warm as you wake up.

    Oatmeal is one of my favorite things in the crockpot, and there are all kinds of recipes for it on Pinterest. I'd go out there and look around for meatless crockpot dishes. You can even make mashed potatoes and baked potatoes in the crockpot. Curries, stews, soups...desserts...or make a pasta sauce and let it slow cook all day. Such good stuff. I use my crockpots (yep, I have three!) ALL the time..