Has anyone ever done a SPARTAN RUN

Has anyone done a SPARTAN RUN? I am looking into purchasing a ticket for the one in Jacksonville Florida. What can I expect? What should I do to train?

I am not doing this competitive, but I am trying to kill it still.


  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I've done lots! FL will most likely be flat (well flat according to most Spartans lol). So I'd train some cardio and do a lot of interval training. Run some then do 30 burpees, run some, then do 30 lunges, etc. If you have access to obstacles like ropes and walls get in some practice. Do a lot of body weight exercises and train grip strength. Feel free to message me for more details or with other questions. I would need to know a little more about what you are currently doing to give you more detailed advice. Good Luck! You will have a blast :)
  • ReadySetSexy
    ReadySetSexy Posts: 10 Member
    I have done several Spartans. Their motivational video from many years ago is literally what changed my life and got me on the path to weight loss! I started traveling to do the Spartans (I'm in Arkansas they don't come here) and the Texas Spartan Sprint was my first one. I recommend you start with a sprint! It's only 3-5 miles. The super and the beast will crush a beginner! The people who run those literally look like they've trained their whole lives for it! It took me 8 hours to finish the Virginia super Spartan and I went in with a year of training LOL! But I swear that course was for goats not people!!
    The Florida course will likely be pretty flat though! As for prepping, focus on cardio and learn to love burpees! Seriously!
    Run/walk/jog whatever for a mile or two then drop and do burpees! The repeat.
    The absolute best thing I ever did was join a spart race team! They are EVERYWHERE! They work as a team on the course to help each other over walls, up the ropes etc. Ig a member can't complete an obstacle, they'll split the burpees up amongst members to decrease the workload and that really helps get you through some very challenging races, which is literally the point of these races. They're designed after army training courses that emphasizes team building.
    If you're interested in joining a group, I know of 2 in the Florida area that will welcome you. You can message me and I'll get you in touch.
    Anyways I hope this helpful! Good luck with your training and have fun!! AROO!!!

  • sammysweettooth91
    sammysweettooth91 Posts: 1 Member
    I can do a burpee but not a spartan burpee with a press up will this be a problem? X