Last 10 lbs



  • chuckyjean
    chuckyjean Posts: 201 Member
    trjjoy wrote: »
    scolaris wrote: »
    @trjjoy she just said she's 5'6"

    Thank you, @scolaris

    Your maintenance calories are around 1700 calories, OP. You have a deficit of around 300 calories. At what rate do you want to lose weight? Right now, you're set for weight loss of around 0.6 pounds a week.

    .5/ week. Thought maybe more calories might help. I'm at 1350 calories limit per day
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    Why did you think eating more calories would help?
  • veggiecanner
    veggiecanner Posts: 137 Member
    I'm at my last 10 pounds and I am adding more calories and using those calories to workout harder. and I lost 2 1/2 ponds last week. which is up the last 2-3 weeks from before that. It's makin the last few pounds easy. which Is not what I heard they would be. i'll add more calories in a few days. I figure Ill get to real maintanace in about the same time I hit my final goal. If I start gaining then I;ll change tactics. All I kow I was getting down eating the lower amount so I had to do something.
  • chuckyjean
    chuckyjean Posts: 201 Member
    I don't know what I did, but scale moved this morning showing I list 1 lb since yesterday. I'll take it
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I'm on my last ten, too... I haven't lost in so long. I don't know how I can eat any less or work out any more! I'm getting frustrated. (I know this is of no help, just sympathy!)
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    trjjoy wrote: »
    You're eating close to maintenance if you're only losing 1-2 pounds a month, @FrustratedYoYoer
    Possibly, but I doubt it. Last month I'm sure it was about 4-5 lbs if I remember correctly and I'm eating a lot less than I know I am able to eat and maintain. The body does what it does and it's not all linear is it? Some weeks/months u lose and others u don't even if u do everything right. I also do a lot if weights so that may also be impacting the number on the scale. Thanks for your input tho
  • steponebyone
    steponebyone Posts: 123 Member
    I'm trying to lose those last dang lbs too! My problem is I feel so much hungrier now.. Like all the time! I'm so tired of being hungry all the time, but maybe that's what it's gonna take. Good luck to ya!
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    chuckyjean wrote: »
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    I'm also on the last 10 pounds to goal. I'm 55 and 5'5". Currently 156ish and wanting to be 145. It's been a slow and steady loss with ups and downs over the past year. It took me that long to lose 25, so if it's another 6 months for the last 10, then so be it. I didn't gain the weight overnight, so it's not going to come off that fast either.

    I decided to concentrate on just being as healthy as possible, eating a slight deficit and exercise. I do a mix of cardio, yoga, and strength training. I can certainly see and feel a difference from this time last year, so that's progress! Keep at it, it will happen!!

    I guess I should be grateful that it only took me 3 months to lose 20 lbs

    Firstly congrats that the scale moved again for you. Just thought I share my experience, since we're the same height, doing similar exercise etc.

    I started at 178... my goal weight is 130ish. I dropped the first 20lb no problem at all. After the initial water loss it was relatively linear loss, drip-drop-drip-drop a little bit every day, my body was clearly happy to let it go, thought it was "spare", made no arguments about it. ;) Then I had 2 weeks of no loss / upward fluctuations while it had a little think about what's going on, then a whoosh and another 1.5lb gone. From experience (I've been here before) that's how it'll go from now on for the next 10lb... small plateau and a whoosh, small plateau and a whoosh... And the next 10lb after that will be seriously hard work where I have to be patient and accept teeny weeny losses of a quarter pound here or there. I gave myself a conservative estimate of 10 months to get back to my old weight, but I accept that the last 10lb may well take 3-4 months alone. :) Keep at it.
  • chuckyjean
    chuckyjean Posts: 201 Member
    CollieFit wrote: »
    chuckyjean wrote: »
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    I'm also on the last 10 pounds to goal. I'm 55 and 5'5". Currently 156ish and wanting to be 145. It's been a slow and steady loss with ups and downs over the past year. It took me that long to lose 25, so if it's another 6 months for the last 10, then so be it. I didn't gain the weight overnight, so it's not going to come off that fast either.

    I decided to concentrate on just being as healthy as possible, eating a slight deficit and exercise. I do a mix of cardio, yoga, and strength training. I can certainly see and feel a difference from this time last year, so that's progress! Keep at it, it will happen!!

    I guess I should be grateful that it only took me 3 months to lose 20 lbs

    Firstly congrats that the scale moved again for you. Just thought I share my experience, since we're the same height, doing similar exercise etc.

    I started at 178... my goal weight is 130ish. I dropped the first 20lb no problem at all. After the initial water loss it was relatively linear loss, drip-drop-drip-drop a little bit every day, my body was clearly happy to let it go, thought it was "spare", made no arguments about it. ;) Then I had 2 weeks of no loss / upward fluctuations while it had a little think about what's going on, then a whoosh and another 1.5lb gone. From experience (I've been here before) that's how it'll go from now on for the next 10lb... small plateau and a whoosh, small plateau and a whoosh... And the next 10lb after that will be seriously hard work where I have to be patient and accept teeny weeny losses of a quarter pound here or there. I gave myself a conservative estimate of 10 months to get back to my old weight, but I accept that the last 10lb may well take 3-4 months alone. :) Keep at it.

    Not sure if I want to go all the way down to ,130, in my younger days I was mainly 125 but I got sick so often. The more weight I gained the less sick I was. I think 140 to 142 is a good weight for me. That's 30 pounds lost. Have 8 to go now to hit 142